Chapter 17

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The trial... what trial?

Once they had seen the video there was none... at least not a fair one.

Judy was not allowed to testify for Nick. She was a murder facilitator, and no matter how often she begged to be heard, no one would listen to her claim that it was a mad scientist wolf who had caused the explosion in the chasm and not some malfunction or gas leak.

Judy was in tears on the stand as she begged them to hear her truth. Her truth being the reality that seemed so fantastical, the jury only laughed.

And before any words could be uttered from Nick in his defence, he was cut off with the Judge hitting down his gavel and declaring him.


Nick could hear the sound of prison bars sliding shut in his cell. A week had gone by since that footage had been leaked and he was now in the place he had been able to avoid for some many years,


Did he deserve it..? With all the scams, hustles and illegal work... he guessed in a way he did.

But it still didn't stop his heart from hurting so much. He had never got to tell Judy that he loved her... and that no matter how much he tried to replace her or get away from her... she was the one.

And every other girl would just be her shadow.

He sat on his bed in his cell. He hated his orange prison clothes. They seemed so... official. So final.

He paused as he heard humming coming towards his bars, and looked up to see a woollen head bopping up and down as a sheep walked with happy skips toward him.

His eyes widened.

D-Dawn Bellwether...

"You..." Nick said in a gasp, seeing her in her orange outfit and feeling quite confident in herself.

"Nick Wilde!" She squealed in delight, and clapped her hand hoofs together with a bounce.

Suddenly, some more prisoners came out of their cells and Nick watched as a big hippo opened his cell door with a key on a jangling keyring.

"What- but how?!" He peeped, scampering up against his wall but was dragged out of his cell suddenly and thrown to the ground in the hall.

Dawn Bellwether brought out her little speaker device and spoke into it. "Three days, Judy! You have three days to arrest Nick! Or else the footage gets shown!"

Nick's eyes blinked opened wider, as he scurried to his feet and looked about scared. He was surrounded by large dangerous mammals on all sides.

"You see, Nick." Bellwether said with a little scrunched up teasing nose. "Money can do a lot of things, and saving money, even when it's tax payers, into private accounts can really pay off."

"You were the one...!" Nick said in a quaky accusing voice and Bellwether just squeaked a giggle out.

"Oh, yes... and really it wasn't that hard when you have guys working for you on the inside. Just needed one scene of you two messing up, and bam! Behind bars you go!"

"You are so... evil!"

"Revenge is JUST!" Bellwether said and waved her hoof hand at two of the prison mates, signalling for them to block Nick's escape. "It just sucks that Judy didn't make the cut, too!"

Nick looked around him frantically as he saw the prison inmates circle him slowly and he looked everywhere for some sort of escape.

"Boys and girls..." Bellwether said with a delighted dark smile. "Get him."

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