Chapter 14

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As Walter led Judy back to her hostage holding cell, the rabbit tried to slow him down. She wanted to know more of this wolf... of his twisted mind. And she also needed time to think of an escape.

Till as if by a miracle, she spotted it.

She spotted her escape.

A window was up on the ceiling, that let out a faint light from a lamp outside and she swallowed. Walter seemed to have a sick twisted mind if he thought that now that she understood his logic that she would stay. He had not grabbed her to bring her back to her cell, he had let her walk beside him.

She reminded him of his wife.

She did not want to die like his wife.

"Walter..." Judy said, slowing down her walk a little but he slowed down too... he was just behind her waiting for her to carry on forward.

"Yes, Judy...?"

"I can get protection for your creations..." She said that word in a sickened way, and he heard her disgust. His heart ached at how the world couldn't see how beautiful his children were.

"I can get protection for your children..." Judy continued, her voice sore and quiet. He shook his head, laughing a weak laugh.

"Oh you see, you silly rabbit. The humans will grow up and look after them. My lineage will go on."

"Walter!" Judy said in an angry shout, and startled him at that. She quickly glanced up at the window. She was going too far past it. Her energy was high from her meal from an hour ago and she begged him, lying to herself that helping him was more important than escape. "You have to let them be taken care of by professionals!"

Walter lowered his eyebrows slowly, looking at her with fury. He spat back. "They are more than this world deserves!"

He suddenly tore his huge paw forward, trying to swipe her in the face- but Judy gasped, her reflexes instant and she jumped on his paw- jumping on his head before reaching the chandelier.

He opened his mouth, rage pounding through his veins, as he tried to hit the chandelier with his jumps. His paws whipped back and forth, making it shake around and Judy felt her ever pounding heart speed up. She looked at the window and knew she couldn't make the jump. She needed the chandelier to be rocked closer.

When Walter's paw lunged at her suddenly, she kicked off it, the chandelier flying forward and she sprung from it with all her might. She hit the window sill with her body being lunged forward on the cement in pain, and she quickly climbed up it, opening it up.

"JUDY! PLEASE DON'T GO!" Walter screamed at her, his eyes in tears and she just looked back at him, saying in a fearful yell.

"You and your children need help Walter! And I'm going to get it for you!"

"NO!" He howled as she ducked through the window and ran out to the streets.

Walter ran past his dogs in their cages barking, his dogs that could talk following him happily with wagging tails.

He opened the humans' room and passed the playing children as he went to his control panel in the back room. The panel that controlled all the cameras and electronics in the house.

He felt a tear slip down his cheek as he thought of his wife... his life... all that he had created to be given away to animals that didn't understand. That didn't want to understand.

He thought he could trust her... he thought she would stay.

He suddenly grabbed a gasoline case that he always kept in case this day would come. And poured it over the controls. Lighting a match.

Judy ran with all her might, her feet slamming to the ground as she headed for the pier when all of a sudden she was thrown into the air.

Explosions blew up from all around the dark town, starting from Walter's home in the distance and blowing up all surrounding buildings.

Judy landed in the water, her eyes peering out from underneath the skin of it as she saw red hellish lights turn orange and yellow like fire.

She blasted her head out of the water in a gasp, looking out to the burning town... her head shaking, her lips quivering, her heart breaking.


"NO! NO! NO!" She begged, watching as fire lit up the darkness and what was left... a burning hidden city.

"NOOO!" She cried. All those animals... all those dogs, humans... Walter... g-gone!

She shook her head in denial. She didn't cause this! She didn't! SHE DIDN'T! She swam away into the darkness, the light of the upper world shining down just barely on her.

She couldn't cry... she had to survive!

She had to survive...

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