Chapter Four - Clusterf**k -

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Alex POV

Uncovering some of the much needed truth at Carols house had helped me figure out my next move. I knew that with the few things I had found out that I'd now have to shake - not rattle - the monsters cage to get the answers I need, but I know that it'll be worth everything she throws at me.

Then, I also have to hope that that guy Darren isn't working when I show up, because he knew how badly things had gone between Kate and I before, he probably wouldn't want to let me back into her room in case the same thing happened again, not that I'd be any different if I were in his position, but I have my fingers crossed he isn't there.

I had decided to drive to the facility this time, I figured that I could use some time to think, and possibly also come up with a plan of attack to extract the information I need from Kate. Though I knew that I could still come out with nothing, I was going to try my fucking hardest to get what I need from the woman.

The drive will be long, taking about a day and a half, perhaps longer. Long and quiet, with Ditz my only company but I'd take that any day. I glance down at the pup in my lap and pat her gently while I continue navigating the busy highway.

It's been hard, feeling the distance grow between Danica and I, both literally and emotionally. Watching her fall prey to the blood thirsty side of herself has been more and more painful as time has gone on. I know that she needs my help to keep herself in check, but when she gets violent like that there's nothing I can do but knock her back, put her on her arse and try to get her to come to terms with her lack of proper skills. I'm scared for her. For us. There has to be some way to get through to her.

That's the entire point of me going back to Trenton Psychiatric Hospital. Danica's head case of a mother must be able to open my eyes to something I don't know.

What else can I do about Danica if she doesn't?

A burst of frustration overrides the calm I'd found hours ago, I pull my hand quickly away from Ditz and clench the steering wheel tightly with both hands, staring ahead at the traffic, and focusing on the obstacles before me. An escape from the hell I have found myself in almost too tempting. I wish it were that simple. I wish I could keep driving and never turn back. Leave it all behind me. But I know I can't.

Danica's face comes to my mind, her beautiful smile, her stunning eyes, the delicious look she gets in them when she wants me. That woman is every good thing in my life, but the more I think that the more I realise that she is slowly overshadowing all of the good. Does she notice that too?

I could only hope. Right now, I'm living only in hope. Hope that there is a way to pull Danica from the jaws of evil, hope that her mother has all of the answers, and hope that we can get through this together.

When Danica said she didn't need me, it broke me, the thin wire of resolution snapping and spiralling out of my reach as the words resounded in my ears, every other sound and motion evading me.

Does she really feel that way?

Does she really believe that she doesn't need me?

I can't explain to her that I am the only thing keeping her from becoming a pawn to her blood thirst and viciously uncontrollable side. I know this because I've tried endlessly since the first day that I found out the truth. And as much as I haven't been able to get through to her, I still try.

Because isn't love worth that much?

Lesser men might argue differently, but then, perhaps they don't know the difference between finding that one person who changes the way you see everything and lustfully pining for someone.
I'll admit my submission when it comes to Danica, I don't think it will ever be as simple as walking away from her, there's something between us that has bound me to her unlike any other.

Deadly Discern - Book Three  ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang