Chapter Twenty Six - All Seeing -

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Alex POV

The hours went by fast and the house remained silent and unchanged, that is up until 4.17am. Danica and I watch on, now on high alert, as the porch light goes on and the front door opens, banging loudly against the wall beside it.

A tall figure stumbles out, half keeled over, probably drunk.

I stare at his form as he shuffles along, taking in every detail. Tall, maybe 6 foot 2, but impossibly skinny for his height. He wears sweat pants and a raggedy looking sweatshirt, his long dark hair hangs across his face. A complete mess. I wouldn't be surprised if he were high as well as rotten drunk.

Sparing a glance at Danica, I see that she is watching him intently too. But she wouldn't be sizing him up the same way that I am. I don't know exactly what she'd be thinking, though I can imagine it's more along the lines of what comes next for her. Where does she get to step in and play her part? She certainly wouldn't be thinking about how he would best be handled beforehand. It's the how that she needs to focus on first off. I return my sight to Chester, who is now hunched over an ancient blue Toyota Starlet, shoving his keys agitatedly at the car, trying to find the keyhole.

"He shouldn't be driving." Danica says quietly beside me.

"Not our problem." I mutter in response.

I hear her exhale, holding back a retort.

If he gets in an accident it wouldn't be the worst thing that could happen. It'd be doing us a favor. It'd be doing me a favor, not so much Danica. I do fear for those on the road with him, but again, it's not our problem. We're not the law, regardless of Danica and her need to lay it down like she is the law itself.

Finally, Chester manages to get the keys in the door and drops himself into the drivers seat, slamming the door closed behind him.

The rear lights go on and he begins to reverse the car quickly, then faster and faster. I watch, intrigued. The car veers right, hard, sending it straight into the closest tree.

"Shit!" Danica says, leaning forward a little and grasps the door handle.

"Don't." I instruct. "Leave it for a few minutes." I continue to stare at the scene.

She huffs once, her irritation showing clearly, but she does wait.

When there's no movement for several minutes, I decide it's time to check the scene out. Opening my car door, I leave it ajar as I begin to close the distance between myself, the car and Chester. Only a few feet behind, Danica follows me closely as I reach the drivers door, peering in.

Chester has his arms wrapped around the steering wheel and his head rest between his arms, atop of where the horn should be but is apparently missing. There is no visible blood and I can see him breathing. He's alive, for now. But tonight gives us a little of something to work on. He's an alcoholic. Reckless and dangerous. This instance gives me some relief, though it doesn't change the fact that we need to keep an eye on him to find out what else he has been getting up to. Just because he's a drunk, doesn't make him a killer.

I turn to face Danica, "Let's go."

"What? We can't just leave him here." She states, looking at my face and then at Chester and back to me again.

I nod, "Yes, we can. He's unharmed. He will come out of his drunken stupor and wander back home. No one has been hurt tonight and besides, there's evidence of an accident, if we leave his car there and take him, someone will wonder where he went. If we move his car, it's still damaged and that'll raise questions too. If we leave it for now and come back another night, we're in the clear. No leads, right? Just let it play out how it needs to now."

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