Chapter Ten - Always -

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Alex POV

It feels really fucking good to be home again, sitting on my own bed again, and by the happy shake of Ditz' behind, she feels the same way too. I smile down at her by my side as she quickly throws her head back to lick my cheek. Then, I hear the front door click gently closed and wait patiently for Danica to find us.

Having been away so long had taken its toll on me. I didn't realise how much I would miss being home, though not only that, I sorely missed coming home to the woman that I love.

As she steps into our bedroom, I lift my head and see the result of my disappearance etched evidently on her face. Looking beyond the joy that sparks in her eyes upon spying me, I trail my sight over her features, taking in the darkness beneath her eyes that makes it look as though she has black eyes from a punch to the face, the unhealthy pallor of her skin and the faintness of her lips. Every usual beautiful thing about her seems non existent the longer I stare at her.

Looking grimly at the woman before me, I instantly feel the need to take her in my arms, but not only do I need her to know that everything is still not okay between us, I also want to see her reaction upon my return.

"Do you need me now?" I say, the hurt clear in my voice. As the few words leave my mouth, she breaks, and even though I hate seeing her cry for any reason, however in this moment it seems almost worth knowing I had been so desperately missed. I give her some time to pull herself together and when that time comes, she brings herself over to where I am seated.

"I'll always need you." She says weakly, but the certainty is there and I don't doubt her words.

In the next second, she is in my arms as she lets out a torrent of emotions onto my shoulder, I let her go for a few minutes before I pull back from her and stare her straight in the eyes.

"We're in this together, right? No more going behind my back or working around me, it's all or nothing. We both know that I've said all of this before but I need you to know that I've had enough of chasing you around and saving you from yourself because you're not using your head, we think everything through, everything." I say sternly.

Danica nods several times, not breaking my gaze, but doesn't give me a verbal response.

"I need to hear you say the words. No more games. I want to help you deal with this, but I can't do that when you fight me constantly. You've got to prove to me that you want this too."

Her lips part, she runs her tongue quickly over them once and then says, "I am so sorry that I said that to you, I need you more than I ever realised. I'm afraid of what I'll do without you to keep me grounded, I'm afraid of what I've become. I can't.. I can't stop what is going on inside me and I know that I don't completely want to either," She pauses for a reaction, but when my face doesn't change she continues, "I just hope you can help me manage it." Then she grips my hands, making me focus on her more seriously. "But it's not only that. I need you for me. I need you to make me happy, I need you because you are the best thing in my life and I am selfish, I refuse to give you up." She says, the truth flooding from every syllable.

"Whatever it takes. We will figure it out. Together." I drag her back into my chest again, my arms wrapping around her body smoothly as she presses herself firmly to me, moulding herself easily to my body shape.

Fuck, what has this woman gotten me into?

I'd do anything for her. Absolutely fucking anything. I'd gladly take a bullet for her, even if it was her fault that she'd gotten into that situation.

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