Chapter Twenty Nine - Playing The Game

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My surroundings are a constant blur of greens and browns, trees becoming one continuous line as I race past them with a sandbag slung over my shoulders for an additional challenge.

I'm battling the urge to push myself harder and go faster, but I make myself slow my run down, just enough to let Justine catch up a little. I couldn't go and slaughter her in the game, it won't look right and I still have to hold up a facade of normal.

That's the priority today.

I must admit, I had been more than just a little surprised to find that I am a faster runner than Justine. I'd assumed that she would best me at that, at the very least. But as we've begun moving through this course, I've found that it's not the case at all. My agility is something that I'd yet to really test, considering I'd only ever been a jogger, never having needed to really race anywhere before, but the test is fun all the same. I can't even recall the last time I ran somewhere at a high speed, it must have been in school.

As I run on ahead of Justine, every so often I kick myself into gear again, wanting to know just how fast I can go, but I ensure that Justine doesn't see, only attempting it when she is too distracted to look my way.

I slow to a stop for a brief moment, dropping my sandbag to the ground with a thud, getting ready for the next part. I look up, seeing the next section awaiting my arrival. I begin running towards it, energy pulsing through my veins, feeling completely exhilarated.

It'd been a really great idea, this obstacle course. Not only for the test of my ability, but also for the adrenaline rush. My heart races healthily in my chest, I can feel my forehead beginning to bead with a welcome sweat, my legs feel heavy, but not tired, and if I'm being honest, I feel more alive now than I have in a while. The excitement of the game pushing me forward, keeping me going.

When I hear Justine now gaining on me, I speed up again, not going to full speed, but enough to keep me ahead of her still. The next obstacle is coming up and my head swims for a moment, more energy rushing through me, spurring me on.

Reaching the multi rig, I grab onto the holds and begin swinging myself across, all the while knowing that Justine is getting closer now. I spare a fleeting glance behind me as I make another swing along the obstacle, and Justine has caught up signicificantly.

"I see you're slowing there, it'd be a darn pity if I managed to close the gap here." Justine snickers behind me as she reaches the obstacle.

"Ha! Like hell! Don't you fret, I'll be much farther ahead in no time." I call back cheekily, whilst holding back the desire to grunt from the ache in my arms.

"You're a terrible liar, I can see you straining, don't overdo it now."

The friendly banter is good, but my competitive side is beginning to show it's ugly face and I need to reign it in before I say something I'll regret later, I can't let myself get out of hand. Speaking of, I best not respond to her here. Instead, I grit my teeth and push on, swallowing down any comments that are lying in wait, and finally grasp the last handhold, swinging myself to the ground and shooting off at a run once more.

Up ahead I can see that we are now coming up to the slip wall, and I can't help but wonder if I'll succeed better at this than I had with the multi rig. I'm a little concerned about my lack of strength compared to Justine's at this stage.

Racing to the bottom of the wall, I begin the ascent with a burst of energy pushing me forward, helping me reach the top and I swing my right leg over to find the foothold on the other side, I turn my entire body around to face Justine as I start to move downwards.

Deadly Discern - Book Three  ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz