Chapter 15

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Batman's POV
Okay, lets say for starters that when I asked Superman to take me home, I didn't plan on this. But here I was, my hands tangled in my shirt above me as Clark kissed me neck. But you don't just want to jump right into that I'm sure, so lets go back fifteen minutes.
"Thanks for bringing me home. I haven't rebuilt the Batmobile yet, and I didn't want to walk home." So translation, I loved it when he flew me around and had become slightly spoiled. It was exhilarating, and he flew so well.
"No problem. Do you mind if I come in for a bit?" He asked, always the gentleman.
"Of course not. I'll asl Alfred to make us some tea." I sent him upstairs, not wanting him to see that I was actually worried about Alfred seeing us together. He wasn't one to judge, but he may not aprove of Clark.
When I made my way up the stairs and into my room, I felt those worries disapear. Sure Clark was a guy, and could pick up buses, but he had proved to me that he knew restraint. Surely Alfred would see that as well and not object. He may be my butler, but he was also like my father, and his approval would be appreciated.
"You in here, Mr. Kent?" I asked slyly, holding the cup of tea in my hand gently. The lights were off, the way I always kept them, and I could jist barely see his silhouette by the bed.
"Right here, Bruce." His hands found my arms, bringing me close. Surely he was under the impression that I couldn't see in the dark room, but he couldn't be further from the truth. I could see just fine.
"I brought tea." The warm hands found the glass in my hand, taking it gently. He backed up, hitting the bed and sending the cup forward. The scorching tea hit my neck and shirt, making me wince.
"Ow, shit." I started unbuttoning my shirt, forgetting for a moment that Clark was on the room with me still.
"Wait, don't." Clark warned,  cathcing my hands. Shocked, I complied.
"What is it?" I was expecting him to say something like, I'll get you a towel, or I'll get Alfred. Instead, he shocked me even more.
"I'll lose control completely if you do that." His hands were trembling, and even though it was dark, I knew he was blushing like a school girl.
"Clark, have you been holding back with me?" Though my voice was confident and sly, my brain was yelling at me to leave the room and cool off.
"I have." So honest. Clark was always so honest.
"Why do that? What you want is before you, and not unwilling." I got closer, my breath hitting his chin. "Yet you deprive yourself of it." Shivers went all through his body, making me smirk.
"Not unwilling?" He said, making my smile disapear.
"Well I mean... What I meant was... I guess I was saying that if it's you..." Suddenly I had no words. I did technically say I was willing. Suddenly Clark's hands were on my waist, pushing me back. My knees hit the side of the bed, which I didn't realize I had moved to.
"Then I won't deprive myself. Not anymore." He pulled my shirt uo, letting it get caught in my arms as I started wiggling. His lips found my colarbone, still sweet from the reminents of the tea.
"Wait, Clark, I didn't mean it like that!" He didn't stop his onslaught, but instead moved up, hid lips tickling me as they sucked at my neck, surely leaving a trail if red hickeys.
"Don't be too loud. Alfred may here you." I suddenly stopped. Alfred. If he heard and came up here... Not even I could convince him that Clark meant well. This picture said is all. The part of our relationship in which I danced endlessly around. Running as if to escape what I myself set in motion.
"Clark, we can go further." Though I wasn't at all sure, my words didn't shake. Nor did I try and take them back. Clark, however, had stilled completely at my words, becoming a mere statue above me, his hands paused on my skin.
"Further?" He asked, in a way that made it sound like a statement. "I'm not sure, Bruce. Are you really ready for that?" Though I knew he wanted to know, sincerely he did, I could hear how much he wanted me to say go ahead. It was amazing how somewhere along the way he decided he would top me. But I guess it only made since that since he was so pent up, he would want to be the one in control. Perhaps we'd take turns.
"I'm never not ready. I'm batman." He chuckled, as if he was expecting just that before he even asked.
"You really are amazing, Bruce. No one else is quite like you. No one else does this to me." Those words sounded much more like a seduction than they should, making chills run down my spine.
"The you better stop wasting time, Clark. I may get bored if we sit here talking any longer." His breath on my jawline clued me in to his proximity, making me blush. I, Batman, was blushing.
"As you wish, Bruce."

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