Chapter 4

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Superman's POV
Strategy wasn't my forte. Apparently none of us were good at it. Except Batman. It was buzzing in the conference room. Everyone regrouped to help find one of our own, and it had just been more than five days. Wonder Woman was anxiously pacing around the table. I knew it wasn't worry for her fellow friend so much as not wanting to face off against Darkseid. It didn't make her a bad person, it just means she's human. For the most part.
"The last time anyone seen Batman, he was downtown in Gotham City, with the Joker and Darkseid." Aquaman said. The flash confirmed this with a nod of his head before pulling up traffic cameras that displayed Batman surrounded by a lot of men. The Joker was in front of him, and Darkseid was behind him.
"We know that after Darkseid knocked him out, him and the Joker were then driven in a black sports car, not sure what kind that is, to a isolated area. The storage warehouse used for boxed supplies." The Flash said. This was all good info, but no one knew what to do next. Darkseid and the Joker were both dangerous.
"Who all is going with me?" I asked, standing up. The flash and Aqualad were the only ones to stand with me. I was going to accept this, but the flash and Aqualad did something unexpected. They both got angry. The flash sped around the table to stand with me.
"I get that your scared. I know why. Monsters are scary, especially when you don't know how to defeat them. But to leave a fellow hero, a friend, in their grasp is far worse than getting hurt. It's a betrayal to each of us. And I know you guys. All of you are better than that. Than this. You all know that sometimes it's okay to put your own neck on the line. Especially when it's to help people." They all looked gloomy, but a few more stood up. Aqualad walked with Super Woman, Arrow, and Robin. I was going to tell him he should stay, but the look he gave me made me rethink it.
"He would do the same for us." He said. We looked up at Wonder Woman, but she turned away. I knew there was no point in changing her mind, and I wasn't going to try.
"Let's go." I said, turning. They all followed me out, and the doors shut behind us, leaving Wonder Woman in the darkened conference room.

Batman's POV
It was only morning at the moment, though I wasn't sure what day. So far,I felt as if weeks had passed. That was an illusion, and I knew it. The cage felt smaller, probably from me being swollen from the beatings I've taken. The only reason I was still alive is because every time I almost died, they would stop, let my body rest for a few hours, and then start back up. I was ready to give up. The shocking was just the beginning. After that they started to stab me threw the cage bars. Then they got a long whip, which tore my skin with each lash. They would rub salt into the wounds if I didn't speak when they asked me how I felt. The Joker grew tired of the whip and started hitting me with a metal crested cane. The only thing keeping me smug was that I hasn't cried out. No tears would escape my eyes, and not once would I show them how much I wanted to give up. The lights came on in the room, and I shut my eyes. I don't think I've slept at all this whole time, so maybe I hadn't been here as long as I think. As the door opened it was silent. Then, instead of laughter, all I heard was a thumping. A loud thumping. Footsteps maybe? Was anyone that heavy. The sound stopped right before it reached me, so I opened my eyes. Darkseid stood before me, his face emotionless.
"So have we resorted to just beating me with fists?" I asked threw a numb jaw. The cage door opened and I was pulled out of my confines. Darkseid dragged me behind him, swinging m up when we reached the door. I heard pounding footsteps and the door flew off it's hinges, hitting me. The impact of a steel door is quite like getting hit by a small car. It hurts, and you may get knocked out. In this case, at least it didn't hit my head. Behind the door was the Justice League, or most of it. The problem with this was that I was on the wrong side. Darkseid pulled me up higher, wrapping his hand around my throat. I was tired, bloody, had a headache, and there were burns across my skin from getting shocked. At this point I was thinking kill me or leave, but stop just staring at me. Superman, Clark I guess, was leading the team, as usual. To be honest I wasn't expecting a rescue mission. Not this early anyway. Darkseid used me as leverage, walking backwards towards the cage. I felt like a ragdoll in his grip. One that was close to being ripped apart. I didn't see anything that could help me, so I assume this is the end of the line for me. Darkseid won't just give me to them. I tried to shake myself free once, but the grip that Darkseid had on me was firm, and even if I was at my strongest, which currently I was far from, this would be impossible. The team was circling us. Cornering us. In the event that I black out before this escalates farther, I at least hope that they get Darkseid in a cage somewhere. One as small as the one they have me in. I didn't black out, though. Miraculously, my eyes were still open when things escalated. Superman used his heat vision to burn Darkseid's arm. The arm holding me. After I hit the ground, Flash ran by, grabbing me. When I was in the clear, Arrow shot several explosive arrows at the feet of Darkseid. This was clearly just to distract him while they all hurried to the door. Robin kept him busy with batarangs while I was passed off of Flash to Superman. Then, to my horror, all of us except Aquaman got into the Batmobile. And Robin was driving.

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