Chapter 21

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Just so you know, super hearing is not what I was going for. Unless that's what you want... but for now, just assume he has good ear. I'm still testing the waters, here.

Bruce's POV
If ever I wanted to run from a situation, it was now. Clark had me in his arms while we tried to sleep. The sound of rain and wind was keeping me up, however, making me wish that Clark was awake, too. I had tried ignoring the sounds, but the more I ignored them the more I was able to focus on them. I groaned, pushing my face into the bed.
"Bruce, are you okay?" His voice shocked me, but I was instantly distracted from the storm.
"Clark, I can't sleep." I said, turning in his arms. The way he looked at me was always with deep affection, and now was no exception.
"Do you feel okay?" He asked, kissing my forehead and leaning his against mine.
"It's the storm. It's too loud." He cocked his head ever so slightly, eyeing me carefully.
"It's not that loud, Bruce." I begged to differ. He pulled me close, kissing my cheek. "I can probably help with that, though." I smiled faintly when he moved to kissed my neck, knowing what he meant excactly.
"You vipor." All I got in response was a laugh as he started pulling my shirt off. "Is this why you came to bed without a shirt?" He didn't answer again, kissing my now exposed chest. I gave in, pulling him up for a real kiss. "Do you want something?" I asked when we broke away. Finally he said something, and it was really the best thing he could say.
"I want to love you." I kissed him again, hoping just faintly that his mother was asleep.
"Good answer." We laughed at ourselves, and I wondered just faintly if he had any necessary items in his old room. That thought disapeared with my pants. I sat up, pushing him down in the process. He got a dark look in his eyes, making my stomach do flips. "You just lay right there." I commanded, a smirk on my lips


Next morning~
Clark's POV
I couldn't believe my luck when I woke up to see Bruce in my old bed still. As carefully as I could I slipped out away, walking to the window. Branches were strewn about all over the place and puddles were everywhere, but the sun was shining and the roads should be safe again. I turned back to Bruce with a smile, wondering if I should wake him up or just go downstairs. Considering our strenuous activities last night, I chose the latter; leaving as quietly as I could.

I couldn't help but be thankful for the storm as I descended the stairs. If I had taken Bruce home last night he wouldn't have seen the side of my mother I had become accustomed to growing up in this house. He would only have that one experience of her. As I entered the kitchen my mother was making coffee. She looked up as I came in, and offered me an empty cup.
"Morning, Clark. How's your friend... er, boyfriend?" She blushed slightly, whether at the thought of me with a guy or because she didn't know what to call us, I wasn't sure.
"He's fine, mom. Just sleeping." She didn't ask any more questions about him, and instead focused on pouring herself a cup of steaming hot bean juice. She let me do the same, and for a minute I was reminded of when I still lived here.
"Are you going home today?" She asked, leaning against the counter.
"Yeah. When Bruce gets up. Until then I didn't want to bother him." Namely because I nailed him last night.
"Okay. I made you two lunch for the road. It's in the fridge." She left me alone, heading to the living room.

Bruce's POV
When I woke up light was streaming in through the window. I hoped that meant the rain would be mostly dried up by now. Not that I was worried about a few puddles, I just didn't want to deal with them today. My back ached as I sat up amd stretched. Wonder if it was the bed or the sex, I mused to myself. Clark was already up it seemed, so I pulled my shirt on and wandered out to the hall. This house felt so empty, and I wondered if it was just me.

I finally found Clark in the kitchen drinking coffee and on his phone.
"How long have you been up?" I asked, wrapping my arms around him. 
"Normally I'd make a joke about always waking up early because of my job, but I actually just got up a few minutes ago." He replied, pecking me on the cheek.
"Why didn't you wake me up?" Especially if there was coffee, I thought to myself when I seen the cup in his hand.
"Just thought you could use a little more sleep after..." His eyes flashed to the living room where his mother sat reading the newspaper.
"After what, Mr. Kent?" I asked teasingly, backing away and pouring myself a cup of the wonderfully scented coffee.
"After such a long day, Mr. Wayne." He replied, a smile on his face.
"How thoughtful of you." We remained silent for just a minute, both trying to fully wake up before we did anything else. Finally, he spoke again.
"We can go home whenever your ready." He said, downing the rest of his cup and setting it down. Just looking towards the window behind the sink made me dread going outside, but I knew Gotham needed me.
"Let me finish my coffee and we can go." He nodded, going to the fridge while I stepped onto the front porch to enjoy the sun. It looked like a tornado had gone through. Tree branches lay all over the ground and hung from the roof, and debree littered the yard. I felt bad for Clark's mother. Seeing as how she was the one who likely would have to clean everything up. Carefully and quietly, I slipped a cigerate out from my pocket, lit it, and drew a long breath in. The sensation relaxed me, but I somehow felt dirty this time. Maybe because smoking seemed like exactly something Clark would be against.

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