Chapter 18

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I know, you guys had yo wait so long
Clark's POV
Seeing as how it was winter I made Bruce wear a jacket over his t-shirt, which I also picked out. He hadn't felt like getting up.
"Should I have brought something other than flowers? She does like flowers, right?" In the back seat of my car I could Bruce was audibly panicing.
"She loves them. So just stop worrying and try taking a nap. I can't even imagine how tired you are." Unlike me, he needed at least six to eight hours of sleep to make it through a day without coffee. Unfortunately for our plans, neither of us slept much at all last night. Not til it was already faibtly glowing outside. The roads got bumpy as we neared my mom's house. After my dad passed away she had a hard time taking care of the place, but I knew she wouldn't dream of selling it.
"Clark?" I head from behind me. I looked in the mirror at the man who refused to sit in the front with me due to the fact that he wanted to lay in the seat. "Is my hair sticking?" I rolled my eyes, slowing down as the road became mostly potholes and rocks.
"No, Bruce. And we're almost there, so just calm down and take a deep breath." Surely once he met her he'd feel a lot more comfortable. Earlier I had sent a quick message saying I'd be stopping by, but I didn't say I was bringing anyone. I didn't want her to make expectations. That'd only spook the already anti social vigilant in my back seat more. Suddenly the car hit a pothole, mainly due to my lack of concentration, and I heard a loud thump behind me. When I checked the mirror I found an empty seat and no sign of the ever so quiet Batman. I slowed way down, turning to look for him.
"Bruce?! You okay?!" I heard a grumbled and suddenly his head popped up from the floor.
"I think I hit my head. Why did we stop?" His eyes were droopy and I got the feeling he wasn't enjoying the trip. Hopefully meeting my mother will make it worth it.
We finally made it to my childhood home, making me remember so much of when I was a kid.
"Alright, Bruce. Let's go." We made our way up the few short steps and I rang the bell. Mere seconds passed before the door flung open and my mom threw her arms around me.
"Oh, I missed you so much, Clark. I have someone over that I think you should meet..." Suddenly her eyes fell on Bruce, making her release me.
"Hello, ma'am. My name's Bruce Wayne... and uh... These are for you." He said, stepping forward and l presenting her with the blue and purple flowers. I held my breath, hoping she didn't completly turn him away. She smiled warmingly, accepting the flowers.
"That was so thoughtful. And these are just so gorgeous. Come inside, I'll make us some nice hot tea." I exhaled, reaching over to Bruce's hand and squeezing it reassuringly. The both of us followed her into the dining room where she made us sit. The second she disapeared into the kitchen I spoke.
"See, she's going to take this very well, I bet." Bruce smiled, really smiled, and nodded in agreement.
"It looks like it. She seems pretty nice."
"Clark, meet Geneva. I invited her over earlier to help me in the garden." The two of us looked up at my mom and a girl in a sunflower dress.
"I take it back." Bruce said.

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