Chapter 10

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Wonder Woman's POV
"Forgive me mother. If you see me now, and know how I disgraced you, also know that I am sorry. I will fix things. I will make up for my cowardice choice." I hung my head in shame as I left my home. The streets seemed to be taking a break. That or after beating up almost all of them they were back in jail or healing up in their lairs. While this was certainlya good thing for everyone, it meant that I could not yet prove myself. I was unable to show that I could be brave. I was stuck waiting for an opportunity.

Superman's POV
When I first entered the batcave it was chaotic. Robin ran back and forth looking under things, in things, even on shelves.
"Batmam, I can't find it. Are you sure it's not lost... or maybe you just forgot to get one?" Bruce's head appeared above the hood, glairing at Robin. Daring him to continue. Having his mask on may have had some effect on that icy glare.
"Check the storage room, please." While his words were polite, the tone in his voice was anything but. Robin left, stomping out to check the storage room. I felt awkward the entire time it took Robin to leave. Only after he was gone did I step closer to Bruce, leaning against the car.
"Why do you where your mask around him?" All I got in return was that same icy glare. But with a sigh, he then softened his oceanic gaze.
"Robin isn't sure of my identity." That one sentence shocked me. If Robin didn't know, then I really was the only one.
"How can he not know? Doesn't he stay here?" Bruce sighed, and I realized that just maybe he tries twice as hard to keep Robin from knowing. Robin was family.
"He's never been to the manor before. He stays here, or sometimes Alfred and him go out to eat. But he just thinks Alfred is my unlce." Bruce had a sad look about him, and I sensed he didn't like lying to Robin.
"Come on. Let's get out of here. Maybe go to the city, get some coffee." The moment those words left my mouth, I regretted them. That was obviously a date. Coffee. I can't believe I suggested that.
"I don't like coffee. But if your up for some heroics, I think we can catch a few robbers. It is getting late." Robin returned, his head low and a wrench in his hand.
"Found it." He seemed bitter as he placed it on the hood.
"Thanks. Me and Superman are heading out. If you want, you can work on the car. But don't break anything." At that, he brightened up.
"Thanks." This car means a lot to Bruce, and that he's letting Robin work on it probably means a lot to Robin.

Batman's POV
This would have to be the most awkward night of my life.
"Look. Sometimes, just sometimes, things don't fit." Superman said from behind me. His hands were holding my belt tightly, and voice was strained.
"Will you shut up and let go of my belt. You might fit in the air ducts if you didn't spend your free time bench pressing buses." He sighed, letting me go.
"Fine, fine. Connect me to your comms system then. I'll tell you which way to turn to get to the vault." Does he think me an amateur. I swear he has forgotten I've done this many times.
"Sure thing. Now go talk with the  cops infront of the building." He seemed hesitent as I crawled further into the ducts, but he would have to deal with it. I can't believe he's got time to be pouty. Instead of waiting on him to tell me where I was suppose to head, I just flicked the comms on and started turning down vents. For the most part it was one way, til I came across an opening and two turns. The opening was a metal grate, and below me was the bathrooms. I did my best to remember where the vault was in relation to the bathrooms. As went to turn down the right side, a sudden creek below me made me stop. That sounded like footsteps. I stayed deathly still as I listened. A door beneath me opened, and I watched as a man walked up to a urinal and unzipped his pants. He had a mask over his face, and a gun in his pocket. I smiled, knowing this was my opportunity. As quietly as I could I retreated enough to get in quick. As the man zipped his pants up, I dropped down.

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