Chapter 27

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Oh boy, finally made it back to this one. I have several commissions I've been trying to do, but it's a little hard on my own. I'm trying to limit what I do, so I still have time for these original stories I started. Don't wory, I haven't forgotten you guys!

Bruce's POV
We had been at it for hours, and finally I managed to erase them all. I hadn't told Clark about the being flung around incident, mainly because I didn't wanna worry him. I looked over to Clark who had a proud smile on his face. I threw myself at him, kissing him gently. He laughed, spinning me around.
"I knew you could do it. Now, your other guests shoud be here soon, right?" I nodded, brushing myself off in a moment of panic. Was everything ready?
"Clark, we need to go make sure that the table is set. Oh, and we need to check the decorations! And food! The food needs to be set out." Clark shushed me, placing a hand over my mouth.
"Don't worry, we have a few minutes." While he went around putting up decorations I paced to the kitchen, met by a relaxed Alfred.
"All those... things... are gone now, Master Wayne?" I nodded, sighing and leaning against him. He instinctively wrapped an arm around me, and for a moment I felt like I did when I was younger. As if the whole in my life that my parents use to fill was just now beginning to mend itself.
"Thank you, Alfred." I stood straight, laughing at his shocked expression. He laughed, too. We started setting the table for as many guests as it'd hold, making me smile. I was inviting them all. The dark tingly feeling in my gut had dissipated as me and Clark worked through my problem. I had never felt so free. We would have to do this a lot more, I should think. The doorbell rang, making me smile in anticipation. Everything looked perfect. I ran to the door, bracing myself. This would be the first time they saw me as just me. Slowly, as if building up to something, I opened the door. The flash, or Barry, as he was right now, was the first one in the door and barely even stopped to greet me, followed by an apologetic Oliver Queen.
"He's just excited. It's good to see you." He shook my hand before trailing after Barry. Arthur Curry came in next, his hands stuffed in his pockets. He was wearing the aquaman suit I gave him, which made me smile. Diana stopped to hug me, squeezing me real hard, before pecking me on the cheek and walking past. I blushed fiercly, which made good old green lantern give me a look as he walked by. A few more came in after that, including most of the sidekicks. Wally immediately started looking for Dick when he came in, but I wasn't sure if he was coming. When he found out I was Bruce Wayne he was completely shocked. He asked why I had never told him, and I had to have a long discussion with hin about it. Afterwards he said he was gonna be in the batcave. I only hoped he'd come. Shutting the door quietly I turned to see my house more full than it had ever been. They all talked and joked with each other, none of them seeming weirded out by where they were. Arms wrapped around me and hot breath against my neck made me smile. Clark and I swayed back and forth as we watched everyone mingling and getting to know everyone.
"You having fun, Mr. Wayne?" He asked, twirling taking my hand and twirling me around to face him while we danced. This moment seemed perfect. The soft golden glow from our little paper lanterns, the flowing music that guided our bodies together. His arms around my waist and on my shoulder. I leaned up and kissed him, humming when he dipped me back. A few cheers arose from behind us, making us look up. Oliver lifted a glass to us before taking a sip and turning to drag Barry, still clapping into a kiss. The cheers grew even louder as attention turned to them. My blush lessened, and I silently thanked Oliver. I turned back to Clark, a smile tugging at my lips.
"Food?" He laughed, a beautiful sound as he leaned back.
"Food." He agreed.

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