Chapter 12

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Bruce's POV
If I thought what I felt before was anger, then this feeling that came over me when I walked into the batcave with Superman was something darker and more blazing hot. Bits and pieces of the Batmobile littered the floor, and the car itself was a meer frame in comparison to how we left it. Robin came in from the back room, limping and holding an ice pack. Alfred accompanied him, his eyes tired. His expression was one of exasperation when he saw us. I imagine mine was one of pain and fiery rage.
"I am not cleaning this up." Alfred said, turning on his heel and leaving. I waited for my awkward sidekick to start explaining, but all he did was nervously fidget.
"Robin... Dick. Why is my car in pieces?" He lookee up at his real name, shocked at the rare use of it.
"I had just fixed the radiator and was gonna turn the car on to see how well it was running and it kind of... blew up." My chest tightened when my eyes went back to the Batmobile. She had seen many years in battle. Had many injuries. Each time I found a way to fix her up. But this. This wasn't fixable.
"I'm going home. I need a descent night's sleep before I handle this."

Superman's POV
Watching Bruce leave the room quietly almost made me feel even worse for Robin. He put the ice pack down with a huge, dramatic sigh.
"He'll never trust me again." Though his face gave away no hint of emotion, his voice gave away just how disappointed he seemed to feel.
"Why did it blow up?" I asked, walking towards the broken car. What was left of the outer frame seemed shredded, and had little holes in each piece or metal. I picked a pice of the door up to examine it, wondering what caused those little holes. I looked closely, pondering, thinking. Finally it hit me.
"Robin, what exactly happened when you started the vehicle?" He looked up at me, confused my sudden interest in the car.
"Well, there was a weird metalic scraping sound, and then the dash just exploded." He used his arms for dramatic effect as he made blowing up motions.
"Have you found any poeces that don't look familiar in this mess?" Everything looked the same to me. Burnt. I could identify a few parts based on shape, but everything else was too broken.
"Not yet. Haven't really looked, though." I nodded, pulling my cape off.
"Go get some sleep, Robin." I wanted to get a closer look at this whole situation, and something told me that might take me all night.

Bruce's POV
With my night robes on and a cup of tea in my hand I made my way back to the Batcave, which, despite its supposed secrecy, was connected to yhethe manor by a secret passage way. When I got down to the garage I stayed quiet. If someone was down here still I didn't want to talk with them. I peaked around the corner, hoping it would be an empty room. Much to my surprise, it wasn't. Clark sat near the blown up Batmobile, shirtless and in a pair of shorts from the storage room. His back was turned to me, and I noticed just how strong he really was. Not just because he looked strong, but because he picked up the frame of my car to look under it. Seeing him lift it so easily and set it down made my stomach tighten into a knot. He really was great. Strong, handy, and interested in looking at useless burnt junk. As he put the car down his body turned a little, revealing a filthy body. Grease stains and dirt streaks covered his body, and yet he still looked beautiful.
"Your heart is the loudest thing I've ever heard." He said, oicking up a towel rag to wipe his hands on as he turned to face me. Suddenly my most recent thought started repeating itself. Beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful. How could he be so godlike. Suddenly he was much closer to me, his body giving off so much more heat than mine as he got closer.
"Your filthy. What are you doing?" He leaned against the wall, giving me one of his famous smiles.
"Oh, just a little investigating. I mean it though. Your heartbeat is crazy right now. You feeling okay?" He was so close to me that I could smell the shampoo he uses and the cologne he wore.
"I'm fine. Don't you think you should go home and go to sleep?" I tried backing up but he grabbed me.
"Stop that. We've been making a lot of progress so far. Let's keep going forward." He pulled me close, holding me tightly as I dropped the glass of tea I had. When it hit the floor I jumped, startled at the sound of glass breaking. Clark's bare chest was pressed right against the thin fabric of my robes, making me feel like we were both shirtless. His hand moved to the back of my head, making me look up at him. I was caught off guard once more when he pulled me up to him, kissing me fiercly. This wasn't like kissing my cheek or forehead. Clark Kent was kissing me on the lips. His free hand moved from the small of my back to my hand, holding it against the wall as he pushed against me. I pulled away, breathless and more than a little dazed.
"I'm gonna clean this up and go back to bed." I bent down picking up the pieces of my cup, trying not to think about what just happened. That wasn't like anything else I had experienced with him. It was breathtaking, in several ways.
"Be careful." I almost laughed at that. Batman had been shot, stabbed, shocked, beaten, and nearly killing in so many other ways, but here he is, telling me to be careful as I picked up a little bit of broken glass.
"Its just glass..." I spoke too soon. The tip of the biggest shard sliced across my finger as I held the pieces up. I covered it, not wanting Clark to see. That'd be embarrassing.
"You realize that I seen that cut the moment it happened. But hiding it is cute, actually." He smirked, his voice still smug from our kiss and my obvious erratic behaviour.
"Its nothing." I dumped the glass into the trash can in the hall, not wanting to deal with it anymore. The rest of it I would get to later. After sleep. I turned to leave but Clark caught my hand, bringing it up to his lips. He licked the cut on my finger, looking into my eyes as he did so. My cheeks began to burn as I became flustered.
"Goodnight." My heart was racing as I made my way back to bed. I knew that Clark was just teasing with the whole licking thing, but the way his eyes had met with mine and locked made me feel weak inside. I was becoming puddy in his hands, and both of us knew it. But I didn't know what either of us could do about it. He hadn't technically gone beyond kissing me yet. And kisses, while great, weren't the basis for a relationship like he said we would end up having. I held my robes tightly as I fell into bed.
"Your breaking me, Clark."

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