Chapter 30

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Both of the boys sharply turn to look at me.
"What the hell?" Jayden's exclaims
Alec merely shows a slight widening of the eyes.

I awkwardly cough
"So.. when do we get there?"

The boys miss a beat before replying.
"A few more hours." Alec says

I nod and settle back down, falling into a deep sleep.

"-you know this isn't right." A voice demands.

"Shut up! It's Melissa we're talking about, have you met the girl? She's fine." A voice angrily states.

I feel myself awaken but keep still.

"Think about it Jayden, this whole trip will give us answers. Just remember, they might not be the answers you wanted so don't say I didn't warn you." Alec bluntly says.

I hear Jayden growl and it shocks me, I flinch and the car goes silent. I slowly open my eyes and stretch, making it out as if I'd just woken up.

I see Jayden turn to look at me and Alec's eyes snap to the rear view mirror.
"Hey guys, are we nearly there yet?" I ask when in reality I wanted to ask why they were talking about me.

I see Jayden visibly drop the tension in his shoulders and give me a tight smile.
"Yes, a couple more minutes and we'll be in The Big Apple."

I scrunch my brows and look at them curiously as I see Jayden glare and Alec.

The familiar sight of the trees flash by as Alec finally slows the car down and we pull off of the road.

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