Chapter 14

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Be happy for what you have while working for what you want.


"Why aren't you eating your food?" Chloe asked me after a solid 10 minutes just staring at her blankly.

"I'm not really hungry," I replied. She grabbed a bottle of wine and poured some on a glass in front of me and said, "Red wine, your favorite."

"Why don't we just get to why am I here?" I asked, started to get impatient. I'm still taken aback from the scene that was in front of me, clearly not what I expected at all.

"What's the rush for? Aren't we having a good time here?" She replied with a wide smile.

Says who?

"Well I had a different scenario in my mind coming here." I honestly said, scratching the back of my neck nervously.

"Isn't this a better one?" She asked. I don't get how confident she is that what she's doing was completely normal.

"Don't act ignorant Chloe. This is serious." I started to get real annoyed, I just want to get this over with and decide if I really should give her another chance or not. She decided to ignore the problem and act like there's nothing happening but this is never the answer to any problem.

She was happily eating her food and as soon as the words came out of my mouth her smile slightly faded then she put her fork aside, sighing.

"I'm just trying to work this out." She said, not making eye contact with me.

"By this?" I asked, pointing at the table in front of me that was filled with every kind of food that I assume was well payed for and the wine.

"It hurts when we are fighting and it hurts when we waste our time solving problems." She explained finally looking me in the eyes.

"It hurts more when we ignore them and act like everything is pink and unicorn." I replied.

"You just have to know that I'm not taking sides and I'm not putting my job before us, the two are very important and you have to respect that I wanna make a name for myself."

"I respect that a lot and you know it, but making plans with me then cancel them for work? Don't make me feel like I'm your wingman, I always always put you first and the minute you have the chance you go and choose your work over me, can't you see how unfair this is?" Every time I think about it or repeat what happened in my head my heart breaks. She always made me feel like I was a second option when it comes to her job, and it's not even a person!

A smile suddenly showed on her face then she left her chair which made me confused. I watched her as she went for her purse and then she returned back to her chair with a piece of paper in her hand.

"I called a friend of mine who's a wedding planner, if you still want to I'd be happy if we could plan our wedding together." She explained giving me the piece of paper that was written on it her friend's number. I looked up at her as she was wearing the widest smile on her face, I didn't know what to say or what to think.

Even when Jade was trying to convince me to give Chloe another chance, I felt like she wasn't even convinced by what she was saying. I have no idea why would she tell me this if she wasn't convinced but it was allover her face even if she tried so hard not to show it and I didn't want to pressure her.

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