Chapter 56

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Today is DADA class is started. It’s exciting right? Note to sarcasm. We run down the halls of Hogwarts. We skid around a corner and pushes through the door to the DADA classroom. The whole class look around at Harry as he coes staggering in.

“Ignore them,” I whispered at him. He just smiles weakly and sits next to Ron.

Professor Umbridge enters the room

“Now, as I was saying before, Mr Potter interrupted with his antics, your Defence Against the Dark Arts education has been rather fragmented and disjointed in your past classes hasn’t it?” said Umbridge.

Everybody just silent.

“Know now that this is about to be rectified,” said Umbridge. “I will be following a pre approved Ministry prepared, theory centered and Defence lesson plan”

She waves her wand at the blackboard and words are written down on it.

“Copy this down,” said Umbridge.

Everyone opens their books and begins copying, well everyone except Hermione who sits with her book unopened, her hand in the air. First, Umbridge just ignore her. However within the few seconds, nearly the whole class is watching Hermione. Umbridge sighs.

“Yes?” asked Umbridge.

“I wanted to know something about your course aims,” said Hermione

“Well, they should be perfectly self evident,” said Umbridge.

“Well, I don’t think they are. They say nothing about actually doing spells,” said Hermione.

“I can imagine no circumstance in my class where you would need to use spells, my dear!” said Umbridge

“But surely the whole point of Defense agains the dark arts is practical application?” I asked.

“Miss Peter, this class has been approved by Ministry Experts. Are you a ministry expert?” Umbridge asked.

“Not, but..” I said

“Then you have no business challenging those who are. We will be learning about spells in a safe risk free environment,” said Umbridge.

“But we’ve got owls coming up! You expect us to do the spells with no practice?” I asked.

“What good’s theory in the real world?” said Harry.

“This is school. Not a real world, Mr. Potter. There’s nothing out there waiting to get you,” said Umbridge

“What about Lord Voldemort?” asked Harry

The whole class flinched at the sound of the name.

“Come on people,” Hermione murmured. “Get use to it.”

“Ten points from Gryffindor, Mr. Potter. Let me see the record straight,” said Umbridge

She stands behind her desk, leaning on her knuckles

“Some of you have been told that a certain dead wizard has returned. This is a lie,” said Umbridge.

Harry stands up, knocking his books to the ground, a look of livid rage on his face.

“It’s not A LIE!” he yelled.

“Mr Potter you have just landed yourself in detention!” said Umbridge.

Harry moves around his desk stiffly, trembling with rage, his eyes dangerous.

“So, according to you, Cedric Diggory dropped dead? Or are you calling me a murderer?” asked Harry.

“Harry, stop..” I whispered at him.

“The boy’s death was a tragic accident” said Umbridge.

Harry has reached the desk. He slams his fists agains the wood, thrusting his face right up to Umbridge’s, glaring at her.

“It was murder! I saw it happen!” said Harry

The class is deathly still. Parvati Patil is covering her mouth

“Mr Potter you have earned yourself a week’s worth of detentions!” said Umbridge

“You talk to somebody who cares. Voldemort killed Cedric and you know it,” said Harry

Umbridge snatches a quill up and scribbles a note and hands it to Harry.

“That goes to Professor McGonagall dear,” said Umbridge

Harry rips it from her hand and storms out the room.

“Ms. Peter, you should come with him to make sure his not release his anger in the hallway,” said Umbridge.

“Ok professor,” I said and I follow Harry.

Harry storms down the halls.

“Harry, wait,” I said.

Harry turns around

“Fanny? What are you doing here?” Harry asked.

“Umbridge told me to accompany you. So thank you,” I said.

“Why you’re thanking me?” Harry raised his eyebrows.

“You save me from that boring class,” I smiled. Harry laughed.

“I never thought you will ever say that,” Harry said.

“Yeah, I’d rather in History class right now that in that class. At least eventhough the history class is boring, the teacher is not a crazy maniac,” I said. Harry laughed again.

‘C’mon let’s go to McGonagall,” Harry said. We go to McGonagall’s office and Harry practically kicks open the door to McGonagall’s office. Harry stomps in and hands the note to McGonagall. She takes it and glances at it

“Is this true? Did you shout at Professor Umbridge?” asked McGonagall

“Yeah, But she called me a liar!” said Harry

“My dear boy, you use your common sense! Umbridge is reporting directly to Fudge. She is here to interfere with Dumbledore. And things could get much worse, trust me. use cautions, always Potter. Don’t mess with Umbridge. She is dangerous. The order’s hand are tied at hogwarts Harry. If you get too deep into trouble, we may not be able to get you out. Do you understand?” said McGonagall.

“Yes Professor,” said Harry

“Good, off you two go,” said McGonagall.

We’re on our way to the common room.

“Harry, why you burst your anger like that? I never seen you like this,” I said

“I honestly don’t know Fanny. It just came out,” Harry said. “I have no idea what happened to me right now.”

“How can Dumbledore let that horrible woman teach? And when we’re taking our owl test too!” said Hermione suddenly appear out of nowhere.

“Hello to you too, Hermione,” I said

“You reckon she’s here to spy on us?” asked Ron

“Well not us speciafically, but definitely Dumbledore and the order,” said Hermione.

“Well way to go potter. Your detention is at the same time as Quidditch practice!” said Angelina who apparently just comes up.

“Did everyone can’t say hello first?” I said

“Oh sorry..” said Angelina.

“Sorry,” said Harry to Angelina

“Yeah well, you’re going to have to get out  of it somehow. We’re holding try outs for keeper now. Wood’s gone and I wanted to have the whole team there,” said Angelina.

“I’ll never get out of it Angelina,” said Harry

“Well, just.. don’t do it again!” said Angelina. And she storms off.

“Well, that’s quiet something!” I said.

“Yeah, another day another problem,” said Ron.

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