Chapter 31

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Today, we’re hanging out with Hagrid at the Black Lake, Hagrid stands knee deep in the shallows of the Blake Lake, skimming rocks as big as flahstones acroos the water’s shiny gloss. As he turns, I see a brief sight of his eyes, red with tears, then he looks away.
“How’d it go Hagrid?” Hermione asked.
“Buckbeak loves London,” Hagrid said.
“ I meant the hearing,” Hermione said.
“Oh that, well I got up and said a bit, you know how buckbeak was a good hippogriff and as long as you treated him with respect, he’d treat you the same. Oh yeah, Buckbeak loves you Fanny,” Hagrid smiled.
“Yeah, I love him too,” I smiled.
“Then Lucius Malfoy got up and said his bit, you know, how Buckbek was a deadly dangerous beast that no teacher in their right mind would expose their student to..” said Hagrid.
“And?” Hermione asked.
Hagrid slings another rock into water.
“You musn’t blame yourself Hagrid. Malfoy treats no one in respect, even the wizards,” I said.
“Draco, it’s him the committee should punish. It’s him they should send off to the forest, not Buckbeak,” said Ron.
“Buckbeak’s not going back to the forest...” said Hagrid.
“Where’s he going, Hagrid?” Harry asked.
“He asked for the worst yea see Lucius Malfoy did. And the committe granted it. Buckbeak’s been sentenced the death,” Hagrid cried. I run and hug Hagrid.

“I’m so sorry Hagrid,” tears fell down from my eyes. “I’m so sorry.”

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