Chapter 8

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It’s summer in the Little Whinging, Surrey. My summer this year will be different from the other summer. Now I have friends and not usually sit in home and just read a thousand book. But, Harry can be really busy everyday. The Dursley always make him do an unexpecting things. Example like this morning
“Morning Harry,” I said while pick up the mail.
“Morning Fanny,” Harry said.
“What’s on your hand?” I asked.
“Nothing, just the list that I should do today,” Harry said.
“Can I see that?” I asked
“Sure,” Harry gives it to me.
Once I open the list, I thought it just a little piece of paper, but actually, it’s a little piece of paper with so many paper folds. It’s so long...
“This is your list?” I raise my eyebrows.
“Yup,” Harry bitterly smile.
“It’s so many,, you can be done by christmas,” I said.
“Yeah,,” Harry shrugs his shoulder.
“They asked you to mop the lawn?” I said. “ That’s strange. How you suppose to do that?”
“I have no idea,” Harry said.
Suddenly Mr. Dursley comes out.
“Listen you kid, do this list, we’ll be going out for a view minutes, and after we return, this list will be done, understand?” Mr. Dursley said. “Good morning, ms. Peter,” he smiles at me. I smile back. And then all of them go to the car and drive away.
“Looks like this list is very important,” I said.
“Yeah, uncle Vernon’s boss is coming over tonight. And he wants the house to be totally spotless,” Harry said.
“Do you want any help?” I asked.
“No Fanny, you don’t have to,” Harry said.
“No, I wanna help, it might be fun,” I said.
Then we do all the things that Mr. Dursley asks, like cleaning the window, wash the dishes, clean the entire house, and come the hardest task.
“Well, it’s about time, how we suppose to mop a lawn?” I asked confusedly.
“I don’t know either,” Harry said. “Just grab that mop and mop it all the way,” Harry laughed.
Then, we mop the lawn.
“This is officially the most ridiculous thing that I’ve ever done,” I laughed.
“Well, I’m used to this, but now it’s kinda fun,” Harry said.
“Why?” I asked.
“I have you now. You’re a very great friend,” Harry smiles.
“Thank you Harry,” I smiled. “I hope I’ve been out of the house earlier, so you don’t have to do all the chores all by yourself, all the time,” I said.
“It’s ok, the beautiful butterfly comes from the longest cocoon, now you already out,” Harry smiles.
“Thank you Mr. Potter,” I said and pretend to bow down to Harry.
“You’re welcome Ms. Peter,” Harry said and bow down back.
We hear the car engine.
“Hey, you’re uncle already home,” I said.
“Yeah,” Harry said.
“I suppose I have to go now, I don’t want you to get in trouble. Bye Harry, and good luck,” I said and walked away.
“Bye,” Harry waves.
At night, my grandma and I go outside for dinner. We have the best time ever. It’s kinda sad that I have to leave my grandma for Hogwarts but Hogwarts likes my second home, I don’t want to leave it. After have dinner, we went home. I said goodnight to my grandma and go to bed.
The next morning, I wake up and usually pick up the mail and I see Mr. Dursley put bars at Harry’s window. I look at Mr. Dursley until he’s done doing it.
“Good Morning,” Mr. Dursley said to me
“Good Morning, Mr. Dursley,” I said. “What are you doing?” I asked.
“Just put some bars in that boy window,” Mr. Dursley said.
“Why you have to do that?” I asked. “He’s your nephew, your family,” I said.
“Yeah I know that, but he’s having a mental disorders, if I were you, I will stay away from him,” Mr. Dursley said. “Bye Ms. Peter,” he said and walk into his house. From the way he talks to me, I don’t think he know I’m a wizard.
“I have to do something about this,” I murmured to myself.
Then, I go back to my house and write a letter to Ron. I borrow my grandma’s owl and send a letter to Ron see if he can help Harry.
Dear Ron,
How’s you’ve been doing this summer? I have your summer is good. Speaking of summer, I want to tell you that the Dursley put bars in Harry’s window. I haven’t see him out of the house for this 2 days, they keep him like a prisoner. I want to help him but I don’t know how. Can you help him?
                                                Your friend,
PS : This is his address...
Tomorrow Ron’s letter come..
Dear Fanny,
I’ve been doing good this summer. The Dursley do that? They’re the most insane muggle that I’ve ever heard. Don’t worry, tonight Fred, George, and I will come rescue him.
Your friend,
I’m glad to hear Ron answer. I hope Harry is Ok, I haven’t see him in this 2 days. And I hope whatever Ron’s plan is working. By the way, what is his plan?

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