Chapter 42

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Harry has been going to the room with the other champions. While Hermione, Ron, and I go back to the common room. Then we sit next to the fireplace
“Do you think Harry put his name in the cup?” Hermione asked
“I don’t think so,” I said
“What about you Ron?” Hermione asked
“Maybe,” Ron said
“So, you believe that Harry puts his name in the cup? I don’t think he’s that crazy. This tournament is insane,” I said
“Fanny, don’t be so naive. He can do that. He’s the celebrity anyway,” Ron said. Ron is full of jealousy right now. I can see it in his eyes
“I agree with Fanny. I don’t think Harry puts his name in the cup, even if he does that, I’m sure he’ll tell us about it,” Hermione said
“I don’t care,” said Ron. “I’m going to bed,” Ron walked away to his room
“He’s really angry,” I said
“Yeah,” Hermione said
“I just hope that there’s just a mistake and Harry doesn’t have to compete,” I said
“Yeah, I worry about him. His life always in danger in every single year. I relief that he’s still alive this year,” Hermione said and then Harry walks into the room.
“How’d that go?” I said and Hermione and I approach Harry
“I have to compete,” said Harry
“What?” Hermione and I asked at the same time
“Yeah, I have to compete,” Harry said weakly and walk away to his room
“Fanny, I have a bad feeling about this,” said Hermione
“Yeah, me too,” I said.
The next morning, I wake up, take shower, and go to have breakfast with Hermione. We don’t see Harry and Ron, so we just assume that they already go to the great hall. But in great hall, I don’t see Harry. Ron just chat with Seamus. I sit accross from Ron
“Ron, where’s Harry?” I asked
“I have no idea,” Ron said
“What? You sleep in the bed next to him. How come you don’t know?” I asked. Ron just shrugged. I grab a muffin, a bottle of pumpkin juice and go back to the common room. Maybe Harry is still there. And I was right. He sits alone there
“Hey,” I smiled
“Hey Fanny,” Harry smiled weakly
“Why you don’t go to have breakfast?” I asked
“I’m not hungry,” said Harry and at the same time his stomach is grumbling
“You’re lying,” I laughed. “Here,” I gave him the muffin and the pumpkin juice
“Thank’s,” Harry smiled
“What actually happened yesterday?” I asked
“Well, Dumbledore said that maybe someone want to put me in danger. And it has to be a really powerful wizard, because it needs a really strong confundus spell to take the goblet,” Harry said
“So, there’s someone in this castle want to kill you?” I asked
“Pretty much,” Harry said. “But seems everybody else think that I just want the attention. I don’t want that. I don’t want all of this. The fame that I got just because my parents have to die. I will give everything that I have right now just to spend a day with my parents. Just chat with them, laugh, like another student here, just ordinary boy,” Harry sighed
“I understand how you feel. Eventhough I still have grand sometimes I wonder what it feels like to have my mom sings me a lullaby. My dad teaches me how to drive, cook with my mother, I just hope I can do that,” I sighed
“Thank’s. It’s nice to have someone that understand how I feel,” Harry smiled. This time is a real smile and not the fake smile since last night
“Hey, you’re truly smile right now,” I laughed
“How’d you know?” Harry raised his eyebrows
“Let just said I have a talent to know what it’s true or not,” I smirked
“Really?” Harry laughed
“Yeah really,” I laughed too.
And then Neville comes in.
“Harry, McGonagall told me that you’ll have interview this morning with daily prophet,” said Neville and he goes back outside
“Wow, interview,” I said
“Yeah another problem to handle,” Harry said
“Hey, don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll be fine,” I said
“Wish me luck,” Harry hugged me
“Good luck,” I whispered

Harry let go his hug and go back outside. And now I feel that butterfly again in my stomach. So, is it really that I fancy my own bestfriend?

Today is my grandma’s birthday so I want to send her a letter.
“Hey Ron! Can I borrow your owl to send my grandma a letter? Today is her birthday,” I asked Ron who just talk with Seamus. Yeah, Ron still ignores Harry
“Yeah sure, tell you grandma I said happy birthday too,” said Ron
“Sure. Thank you,” I said and walkes away to the owl’s
Then I see Harry is there, reading a letter
“Hey Harry,” I said and he jumped a little
“Sorry if I scare you,” I said and give the letter to Ron’s owl, Pig. “To Mrs. Figg in Little Whinging.”
“It’s not you, it’s just this owl,” said Harry. “What are you doing here?”
“Send a letter, who’s owl is that?” I asked
“It just from Sirius, he sends another owl because Hedwig is kinda owl that easy to recognize,” said Harry
“Oh, I see. So, how’s the interview?” I asked
“It’s terrible. Don’t you read the newspaper?” asked Harry
“Today I haven’t. Is it really that bad?” I asked
“Yeah, Skeeter keeps write that I only 12 years old when clearly I am 14. And i have to repeat that over and over again but she keeps ignoring me. She also writes that I’ve been haunted from my past and that’s why I enter this tournament when I clearly didn’t enter,” said Harry
“Looks like it needs  a lot of work with handle that woman,” I said. “Guess I don’t want to read it.”
“Yeah, you shouldn’t read it,” said Harry. “I’ve got to go. See you later.”
“See you,” I said and see Harry is walking away
Harry, Neville, and I sit down near the lake. Well Neville and I are the only one in Gryffindor that want to hang out with Harry now. Hermione wants to but she told me that she just doesn’t want to involve in this situation so she decided to hang out with Ginny instead. Neville just stands there and throw rocks to the lake, I read book so does Harry while we sit under the tree
“Amazing. Amazing,” said Neville
“Neville! You’re doing it again!” Harry said
“Oh right sorry,” said Neville
“Magical water plants of the highland Lochs,” said Harry while read the book
“Moody gave it to me. That day we had tea,” said Neville
“So,he’s kinda nice,” I said
Neville waves. Ron and Hermione are walking up to us. Ron whispers some words to Hermione. It’s clear that Ron and Harry are not on speaking terms. Hermione walks up to Harry
“Ronald would like me to tell you that Seamus told him that Dean was told by Parvati that Hagrid was looking for you,” said Hermione
“Is that right? Well.. what?” asked Harry
“Uhh...” said Hermione and walked back to Ron for more whispering and comes back
“Dean was told by Parvati that.. please don’t ask me say it again. Hagrid’s looking for you,” said Hermione
“Well you can told Ronald,” said Harry
“I’m not an owl..” yelled Hermione and walked away with Ginny. She clearly tired of this fighting and so does I
“Hey, I’ve got to go. Professor Sprout want to talk to me about something. See you later!” waved Neville
“Bye Neville!” I waved back. After Neville is gone
“Harry, why don’t you just talk to Ron? Just end this stupid fight,” I said
“I tried but everytime I start to talk to him about this, he just doesn’t believe that I didn’t do it. He thinks I just thirsty of popularity and attention when clearly I don’t want all of this. I just don’t know what to say again and tired of arguing so I decide just not to talk to him again. And if he’s really my bestfriend, he should believe that I didn’t do it like you and Hermione. You believe me. By the way, why you believe me when I say I didn’t do it,” asked Harry
“I don’t know. I just believe you didn’t do it,” I smiled
“Thank you,” smiled Harry
“You’re welcome,” I said

“C’mon, let’s go find Hagrid,” Harry said

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