Chapter 9

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Tonight already comes. I lay down at my bed waiting about Ron’s plain. Suddenly I hear sound of broken glass, and I hear someone screaming. I look out at my window and see Mr. Dursley hold Harry’s feet, he doesn’t want to let him go, and there is a flying car? But Ron keeps pulling Harry, and finally they made it. Then they stops at my window.
“Hi Fanny,” said Ron
“Hi Ron,” I said. “So your plans work?”
“I guess,” said Ron
“How you get this car anyway?” I asked
“My dad has it, he charm it and now it can fly,” Ron explained.
“Hi Fanny,” said Fred and George
“Hi Fred, Hi George,” I said. “You can drive?”
“Yeah,” said Fred.
“We just about to drive to Ron’s place, how about you?” Harry asked.
“I guess I just see you at hogwarts. I don’t to escape anytime soon, so. Bye!” I smiled at them. “By the way Harry, Happy Birthday!” I said
“Thank you Fanny!” Harry smiled and then fly away.
“Wow, the Weasley are crazy,” I murmured.
Today is the day I’ve to go to Hogwarts. Grandma drop me at the train station.
“Goodbye dear. Have fun at school,” Grandma said and kiss my cheek.
“Bye Grandma,” I said to her.
Then I ran to platfrom 9 ¾, and I see Hermione.
“Hi Hermione,” I said.
“Hi Fanny,” Hermione smiled.
“How’s your holiday?” I asked to her.
“Good, we went to Italy,” Hermione said. “How about you?”
“Good, I help Harry mop the lawn,” I said.
“How did you...?” Hermione seems confused. I guess everyone will be confused if I tell someone that I mop the lawn.
“I’ll explain later. C’mon, let’s find a compartment,” I said.
Then we find an empty compartment, and sits there.
“So, the Dursley asks Harry to mop a lawn?” Hermione asked.
“Yeah, crazy right,” I said.
Then Ginny comes into our compartment.
“Hey, can I sit here,” Ginny asked.
“Sure,” I smiled.
“Hi, I’m Ginny. Ginny Weasley,” Ginny said.
“Hi, I’m Hermione Granger, and this is Fanny Peter,” Hermione said.
“Hi,” I smiled at Ginny.
“So, you are Harry and Ron friends?” Ginny asked. “Ron tells me so much about you Hermione.”
“What did he says?” Hermione seems too interested.
“He said that you’re very genius, sometimes scary, and a little annoying,” Ginny said. Hermione frowns. “And you Fanny, Harry tells me so much about you, he tells me that you’re nice, smart, and will to help him to mop Dursley’s lawn,” she said. And I feel that I’m blush.
“Where are them anyway?” I asked to Ginny.
“I don’t know, maybe they sit in another compartment,” Ginny said.
I look at my watch and it’s already 11 o’clock. The train already go.
“I think I’m going to look for them,” I said. I don’t feel really good about this.
Then I walking around the train and I can’t find them anywhere. I get back to my compartment.
“Hermione, I can’t find them anywhere,” I said to Hermione. “I don’t feel good about this.”
“I’m sure they’ll be find Fanny, maybe they just miss the train and Ginny’s mom and dad can help them,” Hermione said.
“I hope so,” I said.
“So Ginny, are you excited for your first year at Hogwarts?” Hermione asked.
“Yeah, I really do. I’ve been waiting this for all year, and I’m finally going. I hope I’m going to be i Gryffindor, but I’m not sure I can do it,” Ginny said.
“Don’t worry Ginny. At the first, I think I’m not gonna be in Gryffindor, but I’m in anyway, I’m sure you’ll be fine,” I smiled at Ginny.
“Thank’s Fanny. Harry is right. You know how to make people feel better,” Ginny said.
“Thank’s,” I said.
“What is the book that you holding?” Hermione asked and point at the old book that Ginny’s holding.
“It’s just my journal,” Ginny said.
“Oh,” I said.
“Anyway, can I tell you a secret?” Ginny asked.
“What is it?” Hermione and I lean our face to Ginny.
“I have a huge crush on Harry. The day he came to our house, I was wearing a robe, I don’t know he was there. He said hey and because I was embarresed, I just run away upstairs,” Ginny laughed.
“That’s so cool,” I said but why I’m feeling like there’s a huge rock in my stomach, I don’t feel good when Ginny said it.
“Wow, that’s not a very good impression on your crush,” Hermione said.
“But, I’m sure you’ll have plenty of time to get to know Harry,” I smiled. Why did I say that? My mouth say that but my heart doesn’t feel agree with it. What’s happening to me?
“Fanny, are you Ok?” Hermione asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” I bitterly smile. “Maybe I’m just a little bit dizzy,” I said.
For the rest of the trip, we just chat about everything that pop into our mind. We laugh, eat snacks, time fly by, and finally we arrive at Hogwarts. Eventhough I already go here since last year, enter Hogwarts, it’s still beautiful, the feeling still the same like the first day I come here. Then we enter the great hall. Ginny join all the new student. Hermione and I sit in Gryffindor table.
“Where are they Hermione?” I asked, I’m starting to get worry.
“I don’t know Fanny, I’m pretty worry to,” Hermione said.
Dumbledore gives his speech, then the shorting of the new student. Ginny finally made into Gryffindor.
“Congratulation Ginny,” I smiled.
“Thank’s,” Ginny said.
The dinner already finished. Ginny join with another new student and go to the common room with Percy. Hermione and I walk into the common room, and we see Harry and Ron sit next to the fireplace.
“Where you guys been?” Hermione said. “Why you don’t in the train?”
“It’s a long story,” Ron said.
“Please just tell us,” I said.
Then, Harry starts to tell us about how the platform suddenly close, they go to the school with the flying car, about the elf named Dobby that come to his house.
“What are you thinking? Using a flying car at mid day? Are you guys not afraid to be seen?” Hermione asked.
“Shut up Hermione, you sound like Snape,” Ron frowned. “It’s a good think that we still alive.”
“Snape?” I asked.
“Yeah, Filch see us and bring us to him. We almost get expelled,” Harry said.
“Expelled?” I asked suprisingly.
“Yeah, but good thing Dumbledore and McGonagall come and decide to give us detention,” Ron said.
“Yeah, it’s better than getting expelled,” Hermione said.
“Do you think Dobby have to do with the platform?” I asked. “Since, he doesn’t want you to come back to Hogwarts. Why he does that?”
“He just said that something bad is going to happen at Hogwarts this year,” Harry said.
“What is that?” Hermione asked.

“I honestly don’t know,” Harry said.

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