Baekhyun | What She Is

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Wow new update of h.s. yayy!!! Harro it's me. Here's a new chapter. c: I know this isn't my "main" storyline, but you bet it's still very good. I'm really busy and instead of giving you guys ZERO updates, I think giving you guys some fun side chapters is better than nothing. Yeah?

I'm having lots of fun writing these and I know exactly what I want so I hope you'll enjoy these too. Please go follow me on Wattpad cuz I'm posting new stories. c: And my books have private chapters so only my followers can view those. Now, important stuff is revealed in this chapter, and funny stuff, so you guys!! Please comment A LOT. I'm excited for you to comment on stuff. Hahahaha.

And RE-READ. Comment lots when you re-read, I love when people do that. This book is too amazing not to re-read!! I want you guys to keep re-reading so you don't forget. Last but not least, VOTE. My goal is at the end of this chapter. I love you soo much!!


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Chanyeol didn't answer.

"I'll tell." Baekhyun shrugged.

"You think she's bad for me. What if I told you you can have a go as soon as I'm done?

"I thought you would've been more concerned about my health, considering you saw. I'm not good." Baekhyun said again, simply.

"Is she bad for me? Perhaps. Am I bad for her?" Baekhyun asked with a short laugh. "You tell me after I'm done playing."

Chanyeol stayed silent. Then he shook his head.

"I don't believe you."

Chanyeol's voice was low but sure. "All this talk about playing her—you actually haven't told me a thing about what's really going on. I can tell when you're avoiding the topic, Byun Baekhyun. One minute ago you told me to shut up about your girl, now you're telling me she's your toy? I saw you pay. It doesn't cost that much."

"And of course you would know how much that stuff cost?" Baekhyun laughed.

"That was way too much cash. I don't need to be an expert on the going rate to know you're being stupid."

"You're not my mom! I'm just having some fun. Why are you acting like Kim Junmyeon?!"

"Is she or is she not your girl?" Chanyeol put up his hands to surrender. "That's all I wanna know."

"Why does it matter?!"

"I need to know how you're gonna react. So what is it?"

"What are you gonna do?"

"Nothing if she's yours."

Chanyeol stared at Baekhyun.

"This is none of your business, Yeollie." Baekhyun spoke quietly.

"You are scaring me. That awful woman can't be your girlfriend."

Chanyeol shook his head.

"She's not my girlfriend."

"You're making me think she goddamn is, Byun Baekhyun. Give me her number."

"I will, after I'm done." Baekhyun forced a laugh.

Chanyeol took a few steps to grab Baekhyun by his shirt.

"I am not going to touch her. She is going to jail."

Baekhyun pressed his lips together.

"Then I'm going with her."

Chanyeol let go of Baekhyun's shirt and took a step back. Baekhyun looked as if he regretted saying his last sentence. He spoke frantically.

"Got you. You don't actually believe that, do you? I'm drunk. Am I drunk? If I'm finding you extremely attractive right now, Yeol—"

"Please tell me you are—"

"Yours? Of course I'm yours, Yeollie, I'm yours! Only yours! Stop asking about that hooker now, baby, and let's—"

"How did you even meet her—"

"She's not important, forget about her, you are my one and only, forever and always, the man of my dreams, I just want to kiss you—"

"Don't you think it's time you tell me the truth—"

"Truth is I'm in love with you!"

Chanyeol laughed.

"Say it louder for the fans, babe."

"So what if I like her more than I'm supposed to?"

Baekhyun's abrupt change of tone chilled Chanyeol's heart. His voice was very quiet.

"Don't touch my girlfriend, Park Chanyeol."

Chanyeol stared at Baekhyun, feeling his anger grow as he fought back his fear.

"She is not your girlfriend. Don't make me laugh."

"You're the one in denial now." Baekhyun's voice was still quiet. "I just told you the truth."

"Yeah, truth is you're in love with me?"

"You're acting like you're in love with me at this rate. So I like her, what's the big deal?"

"She is a—"

"Vampire, leech, whore, I really don't care," said Baekhyun.

Chanyeol cursed.

"Why don't you stop paying her and see what happens?"

"I think you're confused. She's not the one holding onto me. I am the one that wants to spend money on her."

"You are throwing money at her because you know she's only there for the money."

Chanyeol said angrily. "You don't fall for that type of woman. Please—for the love of EXO, wake up!"

"What if I can't?"

Baekhyun's tone was turning soft. "Maybe I want to see where this goes."

"It's going nowhere! I'm not going to sit here and watch you crash and burn!"

"Because I'm EXO? Because you don't want me to destroy EXO—don't worry—I promise you I won't get this in the news—"

"Because you're my brother."

Chanyeol had never felt this distant with Baekhyun since they had known each other. Under the streetlights Baekhyun looked determined, and defiant, the words Chanyeol just said were acknowledged in Baekhyun's eyes, but that only made Chanyeol's fear grow. The fear that this time he would finally lose effect on his best friend.

"She is a criminal."

Baekhyun nodded to agree. And then shook his head to speak.

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