Who's got my back?

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Before I start, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE LOVER OH SEHUN!! Why is he so darling. :) Thanks for always making me smile Sehunnie.

Song: Promise - EXO

This is the special Author's Note for 60 chapters of Hacking Seoul. :)

I hope you will never forget Hacking Seoul. I hope you remember this story forever.

I know everyone moves on from Kpop at some point; you may stop liking Kpop or EXO next month, or move on to different bands, but I hope you will keep reading Hacking Seoul like a normal book even if you are not into EXO anymore.

I didn't want to write fanfics because I know fanfic readers move on to other things quickly. (These hoes ain't loyal lol.) But writing Hacking Seoul has shown me that a fanfiction can also be, simply, a really good story that people love to read no matter what.

So when you have moved on from EXO or Kpop, I hope you still stay a fan of a good story that you loved.

I hope you will support me till the end if you have ever loved Hacking Seoul.

I love you so much.

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