0.20 - Civil Medieval

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She held her left hand out and waited for him to return the bottle to her with a frown. He looked her in the eyes and tightened his grip before pouring another gush of water on her wound.

"You...!" She clutched the edge of the windowsill for support and clenched her teeth together. It must have hurt a lot.

He didn't want to see her hurt at all. He wanted to get this over with probably as badly as she wanted to. He turned her arm slightly so the water could wash her blood down. "You could just say thanks, really."

He suggested, and poured some more water. "Or sorry."

Turning and pouring again. "Or I don't know, 'Oppa, it freaking hurts.'"

"Stop!" She demanded. "Stop, that's... that's good enough."

She panted and glowered at him with that grating look of hers but by now he knew better than to trust her harsh demeanor. He had to bite back a smile.

"Save some for your face," she said darkly.

"Glad to know you care for this pretty visage, milady." He nodded in fake somberness.

"Whatever. You can leave now, please." She tried to tug her arm back.

"Thought you were going to clean my face up for me."

"Sorry you thought wrong."

"Did I? You sounded eager."

"Yeah, eager for you to walk away from me. Now! Stranger!"

"'Stranger'? Oh my lady, don't you mean 'my dearest lordship'? This is the part where I tear my shirt up to wrap that for you and you offer me your hand in marriage." He grinned slightly and poured another stream of water on her hand to try to rid it of more blood, rotating her arm gently to let the water roll off and then squeezing it teasingly, "Looks like you've already made your offer, though."

She shook her head but couldn't respond due to the pain. And as if linked to her agony, the pain in his own knees devoured him as he watched her and he forced his knees into the metal body of her car to inflict more pain on himself. If only that could take away some of her pain, he gritted his teeth. He wished he could take her pain away.

"How bad does it hurt?" He asked quietly. He couldn't bear seeing her in so much misery.

She bit her lip and tried to pry his fingers loose with a forced smile, "Not as much as your grip is hurting my arm."

He loosened it a little with half a smile. "Are you alright?"

"I'm...." She hesitated just a little. He watched her gaze drop from his face. "I'm sorry."

She looked down and cleared her throat, "I am sorry for hitting you with my car.... I'm so sorry. I really didn't see you there at all. I didn't mean to. I was so scared, I thought you di...."

"It's okay. I'm fine. It's okay." He cooed, rubbing his thumb in circles on her forearm to comfort her. Her face was too pale and he wished he could bring some color back to her cheeks. She looked like she could faint any second and all the blood everywhere wasn't helping in the very least.

"Just say you want to marry me and I'll take my shirt off for you."

She couldn't control her giggle. He smiled too.

"Sure, I'd give you a kiss on the cheek right now, but it's too bloody."

He bent down and brought his face close to hers playfully. "Don't give me this kind of hope. I might do bad things."

She raised her eyebrows. "Oh thanks for reminding me."

"Let's be honest though, you liked it."

She rolled her eyes and shook her head incredulously. "You wish."

He tilted the bottle to let a bit of water flush down on her hand with a smirk. "I don't wish, I know."

"Hey! Stop it with the water." She laughed and pulled her arm back at the same time, hiding her pain. He let go of her gently this time. The pain in her eyes faded into surprise.

"I'm sorry for," he swallowed, "Kissing you against your...."

"Hey!" A coarse voice bellowed from down the street.

They both looked over in alarm. Two men were running toward them, one of them was waving a gun.

"We'll give you two grand for a ride! Cash!" They were coming way too fast.

She hit the unlock button hard and looked up at him in panic, "Get in, get in! Quickly."

He froze starring at the men coming closer and closer.

"GET IN!" She yelled.


A/N: OH SNAP THE THUGS RETURNED. Haha. Hope ya liked thiss! :) VOTE and comment and shareee. PEACE.

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