13 - Trick or Treat | EXO

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Song: Hands Up - 2PM

Chanyeol pulled his bottle from my hand and downed the whole thing. "I'm in. Bring them salt and lime wedges, hyung."

"No, please –" I pled.

"Who gets first?" Baekhyun asked, clearing the table.

"Me." Chanyeol and Kris said at the same time.

I kicked and wriggled and tried to remove Chanyeol's arm around my waist but he tightened his hold, locked both of my wrists together with his free hand, and lifted me onto his lap. Somebody save me . . . I looked frantically around.

Minseok seemed to have given up on doing any more charities. He was slouched on the couch, drinking up his own bottle of soju. I turned to Jongin and Kyungsoo in desperation and they were . . . smiling. Beaming at me with their perfect smiles, Jongin was even shuffling a deck of cards like nothing was the matter. I slumped into Chanyeol's arms and closed my eyes. My last hopes were gone.

"What if she does some Body Shots off us first? She's got to be at least tipsy for this." Chanyeol shook me and breathed next to my ear. "Who do you want to lick?"

"Please, I'll do anything. Just not this. Please." I begged and looked to Jongin, hoping he would say something, anything. He unbuttoned his shirt and flashed me a royal flush without saying anything. What the hell was that?! He was supposed to be my ally.

Holy . . . Wait. Royal flush?!

"Let's play s-strip poker." I croaked, struggling to sit up straight on Chanyeol's laps so I could speak to Kyungsoo and Minseok. "I want to play strip poker."

Minseok put down his bottle and circulated his gaze between me and Jongin.

"Me too." Kyungsoo chuckled in agreement.

"Me too. Let's play strip poker." Jongin bit his lip and winked.

Wait . . . What did I just do?! He wanted this! I screamed in my head. Did I just get tricked?! Is this a better option than Body Shots?! I was on the boarder of madness. It has to be. It has to be.

Kris looked at Chanyeol, who was glaring at Jongin with half a smile.

I couldn't think straight anymore. These pretty boys were driving me insane.

"Me too, I want to play strip poker." Minseok walked over, pulled me away from Chanyeol, and dragged me over to set me down on the couch once again in between Jongin and Kyungsoo. "Innie's gonna play strip poker with us. You three can watch."

What had I gotten myself into?

I need a drink.


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