~Chapter 12: Homecomings and Suspensions~

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My alarm blared in my ear at around four-thirty in the morning. "Morning already?" I muttered under my breath as I reached over and snoozed the alarm on my phone. I laid my head back on my pillow with my arm over my face, hoping I'll get to fall back asleep. As my brain began to wake up, my eyes shot open when I realized what day It was and why my alarm was going off at four-thirty in the morning. "I've got to get home!" I said as I jumped out of bed.

Being as quietly as possible, I packed my things and got ready to go back over to my house. I ran my fingers through my hair and looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes looked dead and they had dark circles under them. It was probably due to my lack of sleep, but who could sleep when they are constantly worrying? I looked away from the mirror tired of seeing how pitiful I look despite not even being around father or Mack.

I quickly changed into a long-sleeved shirt and threw on a pair of skinny jeans. I slipped on my old converse before running a brush through my hair to make myself somewhat presentable. I applied some make-up to hide any still visible bruises. Once I was done, I looked at myself in the vanity mirror one last time. "Better going out acting happy than sad," I whispered to myself. I looked away towards my stuff on the ground. "Even though it's more scared than sadness."

With a sigh, I grabbed my bag and made my way downstairs as quietly as possible. I didn't want to walk Diana or Zach, especially Zach. I don't have time to argue with him this morning, no matter how early it is. Once I reached the bottom step, I saw a light from inside the kitchen turned on. I glanced at the clock on a wall to my right. It was only five. Who is up? I thought. Besides me anyway. I set my bag down by the front door and walked over to the kitchen.

In the kitchen I found Diana. "Diana?" I whispered. Diana jumped in the air as I had startled her. She turned around and had a hand over her chest.

"You scared me, Lena." She said.

"I'm sorry, I just saw the light on and I was wondering who was up." I squeaked out. "Besides me anyway."

Diana gave me a small smile. "You are fine Lena. I just couldn't sleep is all." She said. She then placed one of her hands on her hips. "The real question is, what are you doing up? It's nearly five fifteen in the morning?" Diana crossed her arms over her chest waiting for my answer.

I looked down and my hands were shaking a little bit. "My brother had texted me yesterday and wanted me home before school started and so I figured I would just leave now and not bother you or Zach," I said and looked back up at her. I hid my fear and sadness behind my eyes and did not let it show on my face. I don't need any more questionable looks from her or anyone else.

"Well," Diana said breaking our mini silence. "If this happened again, next time please let me know or let Zach know so that we don't run around crazy looking for you like chickens with their heads chopped off." She joked.

I gave her a small smile at her joke. "Yes ma'am. I will." I said. "I'll be leaving now, but I do thank you for what you've done for me and for letting me stay here."

"It's not a problem Lena," Diana said. She hesitated before continuing. "If you ever need anything, my door is open for you okay?"

"Okay, thank you, Diana," I said and hugged her before making my way out of the kitchen and to the front door where my bag still sat. I swung it onto my shoulder and left the house as quietly as possible.

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