"I don't know" I shrugged.

"Elena I know you aren't sick, so tell me what's wrong" she said sitting beside me. I sat up "I am" I lied again.

"Elena don't lie because you're mot good at it" she laughed a little.

"Fine" I sighed "I was really looking forward to spending some time with you and the nick showed up and I just wanted time alone" I blurted out.

She sighed heavily "I'm sorry. I know that we haven't really been able to be together and I shouldn't have invited nick-"

"It's ok he's your friend, I understand" I cut her off.

"It's not ok" she stood up and walked to the table. "Which is why, I got these" she placed the bags on the bed and began taking things out. "DVDs, candy,chocolate everything you could possibly think of and" she pause pulling out something from her back pocket. it was a flyer. "A number to order pizza. Just you and me" she said handing me the flyer "how about that?" she asked wary.

A big smile appeared on my face. She always knows how to cheer me up.

I stood up and hugged her "you're the best" I smiled.


"Girls come on we've got to get going" dad called.

I yawned sitting up and looked to Demi who was still unconscious. "Demi wake up" I yawned again.

I didn't get a reply "Demi, get up" I said shaking her.

"Mmm? What is it?" she slurred.

"Come on we have to leave" I climbed off the bed.

"Oh" she sat up wiping her eyes.

"Thanks" I replied.

"For what?" she smiled.

"Last night. It really meant alot" I smiled back.

"No problem" she stood up and walked towards me "anything for you" she wrapped her arms around me kissing my forehead.

"I'm gonna go shower" she said walking towards the bathroom.

"Do you want me to go to your room and get you something to wear?" I asked seeing as she had no fresh clothes with her.

"Pleeeease" she said hugging me again.

I laughed "what do you want?"

"Surprise me" she smiled and walked into the bathroom.

I threw on my uggs and left to go to Demi's room. It was freezing seeing as I was only in shorts and my dad Patricks Nas car tshirt Demi had let me borrow.

I turned the corner and saw a group of girls huddled outside Demi's room.

"There's Elena, her sister" one of them called.

Before I knew it they all had ran up to me and began blurting loads of questions and taking pictures.

"Tell Demi come out" a girl said as I burst through them to get to the door.

"She's not here" I replied and they began taking pictures again. I put my arm up in front of my face to hide.

I quickly opened the door and got in.

"Jesus" I said out loud and began going through Demi's suitcases that sat on the floor.

I picked out a David Bowie shirt with black leather leggings. I then got her underwear and combat boots.

I wrapped her underwear inside the shirt and took a deep breath before I opened the door.

I quickly opened it and the girls awaited. I began to walk back and more questions were asked and began to get annoyed.

"If I talk to you will you guys leave me alone? please, I just woke up" I whined.

"Oh my gosh yes" the all said.

"Ok I only have 5 minutes cause I have to get back" I replied.

"Get back to where?" a girl asked "to Demi?"

"No" I lied

"Then why do you have her clothes?" another voice asked.

"They're not hers" I said.

"Did you try to kill yourself?" another voice said an I looked to her and so did everyone else.

"You can't ask someone that" a girl said

"Where did you hear that?" I walked towards her. oh my gosh.

"N-no where it's just the scars on your wrists are so deep and I taught-"

"What scars?" another said and then they all tried to get a look.

"Bye" I stormed off and they all still followed.

I got in to my room and shut the door behind me, crying.

I placed Demi's things on the bed and sat there crying.

I heard the bathroom door open and Demi came out wrapped in a towel. I quickly wiped my eyes and sniffled.

"Hey what's wrong" she kneeled down infront of me.

"Your so called 'fans' or should I say stalkers? they followed me to your room and asked me a load of questions" I replied.

"Like what?" she asked getting angry.

"It doesn't matter just forget about it" I stood up.

She grabbed me by the wrist "No it does, Elena what did they say? she asked firmly

I pulled my hands away "they asked about this" I shouted showing her my wrists. on either wrist were heavy scars still slightly red from when I had relapsed a few months ago. other scars ran up my arms. "they asked if 'I tried to kill myself'

"Oh my gosh, Elena I am so sorry" she hugged me "give me a minute and I'll get dressed"

She ran into the bathroom and quickly arrived back out dressed and her wet hair tied in a bun. she began to walk toward the door.

"What are you doing?" I panicked pulling her back. she pulled away "what they said wasn't ok"

"Demi leave it!" I said but she ignored me and opened the door "Demi" I heard the girls scream before it closed.

Demi Adopts (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now