"I will fill your nights. You will spend them all with me," he answered with promise in his tone.

I tease him some more, "But I thought I will have my own quarter. I was promised a room of my own,"

"Whoever promised that lied to you," he laughed when I pinched him. He knew that Mei said those words to me.

"How often do you talk to Mei and Jiang?" I asked him curiously.

"I saw Jiang four times every year, when he will visit his family. I will always ask about you. We will talk about nothing but you that there was one time that he visited here but avoided me,"

A laugh escaped my lips at what he said.

"This place...?"

"Mei told me to prepare," Captain Wang lift my face to look into my eyes. "He said I should keep on dreaming and wait until you are healed. I never thought that it will take you seven summers. But like I said, I built and prepared this place for you while I wait."

We stared at each other. I saw love in Captain Wang's eyes.

"I love your place," I said dreamily afterwards.

He nodded, "Our place." He corrected me. "Where we are is the main house. The second floor held this suite and my children's quarters. I also built an office for me and a library for you,"

I got excited, "A library?" my voice was filled with wonder.

He laughed at my expression, "Yes, a library. I filled it already with books and scrolls. You can look at it tomorrow. You and the children can study their lessons there too. I put tables and chairs there."

He built a library for me. And planted a cherry blossom tree. And built this whole place for me. Qing really loves me.

I kissed him, long and hard. He was happy to reciprocate.

"I can't wait to meet your children and teach your daughter,"

Qing grew serious, "I hope you will love them. And treat them like they are yours. You will raise them with me after all,"

I frown, "Won't that confuse them? Our relationship...won't they ask about it? What about the servants?"

"I will handle all the explaining. The children will grow up understanding us. The servants will not talk about us outside this property if they knew what is good for them. I know how to handle my troops Dayu, I can train them to accept our relationship,"

I still have doubts but I decided to trust him, "I will do my best for them to like me," I promised. "And I will love your children, they are ours now, right? Our children,"

Qing was so happy at what he heard, "Yes, they are our children. They will love you. I have the confidence in you that you will show and teach them how to love,"

I felt tears prick my eyes. I only learned about love when he started loving me. He taught me a lot of things about love. How to receive and how to give it.

He lovingly wipe my tears and hugged me to his body again.

"I love you, my heart. This is the start of our happiness. Your happiness,"

I nod and shed more tears. He let me cry on his chest. He knew, I gave up on happiness a long time ago. But he is determined to give it to me. He waited seven years, but not in vain, he built this home for us. For me...for our love.

QingYu: A Wuxia Tale (Going Through Reediting)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon