Contest Results

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Thank you guys for participating in this contest!! My co judge smolbeaninabeanie and I had so much fun reading through everything you wrote. I want you to remember that your writing is amazing and that a placement does NOT determine the worth of your writing. My co judge and I made the placements by voting for our favorite imagines. Anyways, let's get to the placements!
(Also go check out smolbeaninabeanie 's writing! She does imagines like I do and also writes her own books)


First Place
A follow from me (if I'm not already)
Constant love on your books
A one shot of your choice (again, no smut)
A book recommendation
A book cover designed by me (for whenever)
Your one shot in my book
A personal hello to Jared (I'll voice a message you give me to him)

Second Place
A one shot of your choice
A book recommendation
Your one shot in my book

Third Place
A book recommendation
Your one shot in my book


First Place

It was meant to be a simple hunt. A quick in and out job. But, working with the Winchester's meant nothing was ever "simple". All they had to do was salt and burn the body, of a restless spirit that was plaguing a small town a little north of Wichita, Kansas. It had killed three people already, stomach's slashed open. Gruesome? Check. Disgusting? Check. But hey, a ghost's gonna do what a ghost's gonna to do.

The Impala's engine roared as Dean sped down the highway, and Crystal couldn't help but smile softly. It was just like the good old days. Before the apocalypse, before the demon blood, before the angels. When it was just her, her boyfriend Dean, and his little brother Sammy, saving people, hunting things. The family business. AC/DC blasted through the radio, and she could see the light of Sam's laptop shining from the passenger's seat as he browsed lore books for anything that could aid them on the hunt. 'How far away are we now?' She asked, raising her voice over the sound of the music. 'Not far, about two hours or so,' Dean replied, glancing back at her through the mirror.

'Two hours?!' Crystal exclaimed, sitting up straight so she could see him better, 'But we've been in the car for like three years already!'. 'Well it wouldn't seem so long if you didn't ask how far away we are every half hour,' He said, causing her to roll her eyes. 'I didn't ask that often,' She said, but he only raised his eyebrows at her. 'Just wake me up when we get there,' She muttered, closing her eyes and flopping back against the leather seat in an attempt to get comfortable. 

It wasn't long before she opened her sea green eyes once again, the feeling of movement waking her. It only took a moment to figure out that Dean was carrying her into the motel, both his bags and hers over his shoulders. However, rather than letting him know that she was awake, and have to walk the rest of the way, she curled closer, resting her head against his shoulder.

His chest vibrated as he laughed, a warm, homely laugh. 'I know you're awake,' He said, although he made no move to push her away. 'No, you don't,' She murmured in reply, not even bothering to look up at his face. He made a humming noise, but made no further attempts at alerting her to his awareness. It wasn't until they got the motel room door that he put her back down on her feet, ignoring her groans of protest. 'Come on, Princess,' He muttered as he slipped inside, both bags still over his shoulder. She smiled fondly as she hit him across the back of the head, but quickly followed him inside as he moved forward. Sam was already inside, sitting on one of the two double beds with his precious laptop open in front of him. 'You've finally arrived,' He said, raising an eyebrow at the both of them as they walked past. Neither of them replied, so he just shrugged it off. Dean dropped the bags at the end of one bed, while Crystal went to join Sam at the foot of the other. 'Alright, what do we know so far?' She asked, pausing to yawn before taking a seat beside the younger Winchester on the lumpy motel mattress.

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