Lucifer x Reader//Full Hearts

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Song of choice: Wish You Were Here- Avril Lavigne

Imagine: you're the Winchesters adopted sister and Lucifer keeps popping up and begging you to go on a date with him. You then snap and tell him to go away and never come back, which he listens and stays away making you rethink your words.

You and your brothers were in the dungeon, questioning the demon locked up in there. He was a "present" that Lucifer had given you. You all were thankful but a little miffed because why would he give you one of his own on his own terms? Obviously he was up to something, but none of you were sure what it was.

"What is Lucifer up to?" Dean queried the demon who shrugged and glared at him. "Well?" Your eldest brother repeated, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't know! I pretty mad at him for handing me over. Last time I'm ever working for that son of a bitch." He grumbled, his black eyes flicking to grey. You all left the room after a few more questions and made sure he couldn't get out. A few hours later Dean ended up getting a call from a hunter you had crossed paths with a few weeks ago. Apparently he had a huge vamp nest he needed help taking care of, which of course your brothers didn't allow you to go on.

"See you in a few days kid." Dean mumbled, hugging you before going out to the car. Sam copied his actions and left as well, leaving you alone with a demon in the basement and nothing to do. You glanced around the place and sighed heavily.

"Wonderful." You muttered, plopping down on the couch. You sighed again, then sighed after that and kept sighing until you were sure you were out of sighs. Nothing to do, no new places to see. You suddenly smiled evilly and went to your room where you had a few things you could prank the boys with. You could just blame it on the demon. As you were looking through your things, you heard a flutter of wings. You jumped and turned around, glaring once you saw who it was.

"Hey Y/N!" Your least favourite angel spoke up. You smiled tightly at him and crossed your arms. "Would you like to go on a date with me? We could go to your favourite restaurant or we can go to the county fair that's in town! There's also a drive-in movie marathon this whole week that you might be interested in-"

"Lucifer, look." You cut him off. He looked at you with hopeful eyes and you sighed. "I'm not going on a date with you now, and I never will. So would you stop bothering me and go away?" You finally let out, your voice sounding harsher than you would've wished. His happy demeanor fell and replaced itself with a look of pure, unadulterated sadness. You opened your mouth to try and save his feelings but he already left, leaving you feeling terrible.

"Great, now I don't feel like pranking anymore." You muttered to yourself, pinching the bridge of your nose. You let out a groan and flopped down face first on your bed, pulling your covers over your head. "I'm a terrible human being." You moaned, grabbing your pillow and hitting yourself over the head with it for no reason. Suddenly you sat up, a determined look on your face.

"I'm going to fix this."
You looked nervously at the table you set up. A candle was set in the middle with a glass vase of roses right to the side of it. Two plates were set up opposite of each other, a casserole staying warm in the oven as well as garlic bread. Whilst you set this up you had cried because you realized, even though it's only been a few hours, that you missed that angel's incessant buzzing and stubborn nature. Someone could say it was love you were feeling in your soul right now, but you honestly had no idea.

So you just went with what your head came up with. That you missed him. With one last glance to the table, you called for him.

"I know you can hear me Lucifer and see me but I beg of you to close your eyes." You started off, closing your eyes as well. "You're mad or upset with me and I am very sorry for that. I guess the only way for me to see what I have is for it to leave. And I don't want you to leave Luci. Please get your little angel butt down here." You opened your e/c eyes and exhaled shakily. It was a few minutes later when you gave up the idea of him coming.

You plopped down into a chair and set your head in your hands, begging your eyes not to let tears leak. As you were too far in your head to notice anything, you didn't hear the flapping of wings and a seat being pulled out.

"Y/N." A soft voice called making you snap your head up. You smiled softly once you saw who it was. "I heard your call. Why did you want me to close my eyes?" You jumped up and he did as well, becoming alert. "What's wrong?" he didn't get an answer as you hugged him.

"I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't mean any of it. I really like having you here even though my brothers don't appreciate it and I hope you will forgive me for being a bi-" You got cut off from your ramble as he pulled your head up so you could look at him with watery eyes. He smiled at you and kissed you softly making your stomach flutter and your heart soar.

"What'd you make?" He asked after you both pulled away. With a huge smile you responded.

"I'm glad you asked."

So here's a request! Sorry it's so late and I'm sorry if his personality isn't right. I haven't watched the newest season yet because I can't find a way to watch the season before that. But I hope you like it even though he might not be in character.

Ps: it took me really long to write this cause I'm listening to Wish You Were Here by Avril Lavigne as stated at the top, and I kept belting out the chorus every time it came about so oops.

Another ps: I may not post next week as I'm going to Washington!

Stay thirsty my memes,

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