Sam x Reader//Oh, Loving You

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Song of choice: Intertwined- Dodie Clark

Imagine: a day around town with Sam

a/n: seriously guys, listen to this song on repeat when you read this. It makes it magical.

New York; a place you've always wanted to visit though never could. Yet here you were, walking down the streets of Queens, hand intertwined with Sam's and colorful lights capturing your gaze. You and the Winchesters had just finished hunting a pagan god who was set on ruining the holidays. Now you had time to just embrace New York and its beauty; Dean decided to go to a club whilst you and Sam decided to walk around and admire everything, including each other.

"Y/N, look," Sam called for you and pointed towards a quaint coffee shoppe, "want to go get some coffee?" You glanced at Sam with a smile that lit up his world and nodded, laughing as you did so.

"It's quite late, but why not? It's not like I was planning on sleeping tonight; there's too much to see." You replied, squeezing his hand softly in yours. He grinned and pulled your knit beanie down over your eyes making you giggle. You shoved it up and stared into his copper covered honey eyes as he stared into yours. Sam leaned down and kissed your rosy nose and cheeks before leading you into the shoppe.

Warmth spread through the both of you as you opened the door. Fairy lights covered the ceiling in an ethereal jumble. Families and friends sat at tables and booths, chatting the frigid night away with coffee or cocoa warming their hands. You sighed blissfully, unaware of the eyes drinking you up. Walking towards a booth you glanced back at Sam to see him already watching you with a dorky grin lifting his cheeks.

"What?" You chuckled, sitting down and letting go of your boyfriend's hand so he could sit as well. Once Sam sat across from you he leaned forward and smiled the half smile that made your heart flutter.

"You." He stated quietly, taking your hand in his over the table. Before you could respond a waitress wearing an elf hat and a cheesy smile came to take your orders. You both ended up getting hot chocolate except Sam got his laced with peppermint.

Two dancing hearts occupied that shoppe till closing, chatting and laughing and never running out of anything to say. The other occupants were long gone, having finished their drinks and snacks only to return to the cold outside. You both got up once everyone else was gone and thanked the waitress who took care of you before braving the cold the others had faced only moments before.

"Sam," you started, turning so you faced him, "I love you." His eyes sparkled at your words, his lips leaning in to love you and show you everything he has never said.

"I love you too, more than anything in the world." Sam voiced, sounding husky and intoxicating. This is what life should forever be; someone by your side through thick and thin, sometimes causing pain but moving past that and becoming stronger. Sam was all you ever wanted, and you were all he ever needed.

Oh, loving him was something you wanted to last forever.

Short but sweet! WINTER IS COMING!!!!! And now that winter is coming that means my ugly light-up sweater is no longer collecting dust in the back of my closet. *evil laughter*


stay thirsty my memes,

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