Dean x Reader//Miss Missing You

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Song of choice: Miss Missing You- Fall Out Boy

Part two of Dean x Reader//Thanks For The Memories

Imagine: coming back to Dean.

One year later

You pulled into the lot in the back of Addy's Diner. Shutting off your car you got out and headed into the kitchen, picking up an apron and tying it around your waist. Your coworker smiled at you and you gave a small one back, eyes not twinkling as much as hers. You sauntered over to a waiting couple and smiled at them.

"Hi, welcome to Addy's Diner. I'm Y/N and I'll be your server today. Can I start you off with anything to drink?" You chirped, voice faking happiness. The couple gave you their orders and you headed off, gathered the drinks, and came back. "Here you go! Anything else and you can just yell."

After you left the couple you heard the door open. You looked up and saw two awfully familiar faces. With a look of horror you fast walked to the back, one of your co workers asking you if you're okay. You completely ignored them and messed with the knob before the door opened.

You ran out of there, heart beating fast and eyes wide with surprise. You leaned against the back of the diner, holding a hand over your heart as you tried to slow your breathing. Slowly you slid down the wall, not even caring of how disgusting the alleyway was because all you could think about was those faces; the faces of two amazing people you lived with for most of your life.

You heard the back door open and you froze, scuttling behind the dumpster you were sitting next to. You held your breath as you heard footsteps come closer to you. Silently you peaked out as you thought whoever it was had left. However once your eyes hovered over the top of the dumpster, you met familiar, broken green ones. You both stared at each other for a few minutes before you  slid down again.

"I know you're there Y/N." A familiar voice broke the silence and you nearly cried. That voice; you had been so used to that voice. It woke you up in the morning and spoke to you during the day, and never did you ever grow over it. The voice of Dean Winchester would always be the most beautiful one to you. "Please come out."

"I can't be seen near you." You mumbled, afraid that the demon who has been hovering over you for the past year would suddenly pop out and kill your true love. You hear Dean sigh and sit down against the wall you had been leaning on. He looked towards you and you looked towards him, both hearts hammering.

"We took him out Y/N. he can't hurt you anymore." Dean spoke up, his voice breaking and his eyes full of pain. You looked at him with lost eyes before looking down and shaking your head.

"He'll find a way back Dean, he always does." You responded making him sigh. He scooted closer to you, now leaning against the side of the dumpster. Dean held his hand out for you and you looked at it, wanting to hold his hand but also not wanting him to get hurt because of you. The demon may be gone, but nothing can get rid of your bad luck.

"C'mon Sweetheart, nobody can hurt you or me. We got them to go away." You looked back down at his hand before slowly reaching out and taking it, letting him pull you out from behind the dumpster. Dean reached his other hand up and smoothed down your hair which must've looked like a mess. His hand slowly slid down to your cheek and he left it there, smiling lightly.

"I've missed you." You muttered, reaching your hand up over his and looking down at your shoes. He lifted your head up and softly kissed you, all your pain and suffering fading away. You both pulled away after a few seconds before you leaned against him, sighing contently.

"I missed you too." Dean smiled at you, kissing the top of your head as he wrapped his arms around you. "Nothing can get inbetween us again, okay? I'll go through hell and back for you Y/N."

"I love you."

"I love you too Sweetheart."

Okay hello! So here's the second part for Thanks For The Memories, I hope y'all like it. Also...


The only thing I regret though is not listening to my gut feeling and going early. You wanna know why? Well, I'm gonna tell you. Since the venue was so small (400 people tops) everybody got to meet them before the show. But I didn't get to which makes me really mad and sad but whatever I still got to see them and real life.

And for the people who didn't get to go see them, don't worry my friends! As they are recording the show and putting it on YouTube I think. So yeah. BUT GOODBYE

I'm gonna eat your soul,

Supernatural ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora