Gabriel x Reader//Candy Kisses

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Song of choice: Is This Love- Bob Marley (Corinne Bailey Rae's cover)

Imagine: you go on a hunt with the Winchesters and Gabriel and you all split up. Whilst hiding, Gabriel confesses his love to you.

"Alright, Sam and I will go cover the left side of the building. Gabriel, you and Y/N will cover the right. Once you clear your side, we'll meet back up at the front." Dean stated before him and Sam walked off. You looked towards Gabriel who shrugged and took one of your machetes. The both of you started walking to the right, careful to be quiet and not alert the vampires who were all over the place. This was the biggest nest you and the Winchesters have ever seen. You called up multiple hunters but none of them could come around and help take this nest out. You would've waited, but these guys were killing someone everyday. So you got the great idea to call up your best friend Gabriel, and he was all too happy to help.

"You know, this is just like that time we were playing laser tag in the dark." Gabriel whispered excitedly. You looked over at him, amused by his antics. Rolling your eyes, you responded to the golden angel.

"Yeah, because in laser tag we were totally getting hunted down by blood thirsty vamps who would kill us the second they found out about our presence." You giggled quietly before quickly shutting up as you heard footsteps that weren't yours or Gabriel's. He quickly pulled you into a room which turned out to be the smallest closet known to man. You were pushed up tightly against Gabriel, your arms automatically going around his waist as he did the same. It gave you both a bit more room, surprisingly. All you could hear were your soft breaths mingling with his, and the fading footsteps of whoever had startled you.

"Would this be a bad time to confess something?" Gabriel whispered into your ear causing you to shiver. You rolled your eyes at him as he wiggled his eyebrows, his whiskey eyes still bright and hopeful even in this lack of light.

"Yes, it kind of is considering we've got vamps trying to kill us." You mumbled. "However I am intrigued so go ahead, confess." You smiled at him and something changed in his eyes, however you couldn't place it. Gabriel brushed a strand of hair out of your eyes and sighed softly.

"Well, my confession is that I well, kind of love you?" He stated, his confession coming out more of as a question. You tilted your head slightly at him and tightened your arms around him.

"I already knew that silly. I love you too by the way." You smiled at him and he chuckled slightly. it was quiet for a few seconds before he let out a shaky breath and opened his mouth.

"I know you know I love you." He started off, shifting his feet. "But you don't know that I love you like a friend and a well...and like a lover." Gabriel finished off, closing his eyes. You stayed silent. You were in shock; never did you think he would love you that way.

"Then I must confess something as well." You muttered, hiding your face in his chest. You felt him lay his head on the top of yours and mumble something. You took it as a signal to continue. "I love you like a friend and a lover too."

"Wait what?" Gabriel responded a bit too loud. You slapped his chest lightly, your cheeks burning. "I did not expect that." You looked up at him and saw that he was smiling as bright as the sun. He then leaned down and kissed you, slowly and sweetly. It must have been a few minutes before you both pulled away, a blush covering your cheeks and a smirk covering mouth.

"You taste like candy." You stated, gaining a giggle from the angel in front of you.

"Don't you know it doll."

Well I hope you like this my friend! And just so you know, when I finished writing this, I realized it was 666 words.

You're welcome.

stay thirsty my friends,

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