Gabriel x Reader//Your Guardian Angel

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Song of choice: Your Guardian Angel- The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

Imagine: going through a rough patch with Gabriel and he tries to make it better

Requested by wanderingsoul90122

"Come on Gabriel!" You screamed, tears rolling down your face no matter how much you willed them to go away. He was looking at you with broken eyes. He knew this was the last straw; he had made too many mistakes.

"Y/N I'm-"

"Please Gabe, please just stop." You whispered, wrapping your arms around your frame. "I love you Gabriel and I will never let you fall, but what's the point of not letting you fall when you have ceased to catch me so many times?" Gabriel looked helpless and you knew he had to be hurting, but he had hurt you so much. "You've used me at your will, pulled my strings for a thrill. I just can't take it anymore."

"Y/N-" He tried but you held a hand up to silence him. With one last look at your boyfriend you left the apartment, closing the door softly behind you. You shuffled out of the complex building before hailing a taxi, and thankfully the driver didn't ask why you were crying. If she had, you would've just broken down even more.

Five Months Later

"I don't know what you are saying." You stated, staring at your coworker with a confused look. They shuffled in front of you, their form shaking from nerves.

"Like m-maybe we could go out sometime as a, uh, a date?" They forced out, looking up at you with hopeful eyes. You sighed and gave them a sad smile.

"I'm so sorry, but it wouldn't be fair for you." You replied honestly. They tilted their head slightly. "I'm still hung up over my ex and it wouldn't be fair to lead you on when I still love him. I'm so sorry." They nodded slightly before looking down at their shoes.

"Y-yeah, it's totally fine. Thanks for thinking about my feelings. Just, uh, give me a call when you're ready." You smiled and nodded slightly as they walked away, unknowing of the angel watching you from the other side of the room. Slowly you started walking back to your desk, but before you could get there your boss stopped you with a concerned expression.

"Go home, L/N. You look like you just lost your dog to a meteor." They patted your back before continuing their trek to their destination. You sighed and decided to follow their instructions. You gave a small stop to your desk to pick up your coat and umbrella before waiting at the elevator so you could go home and just have a night in watching the new premiere of your show. Well, not exactly your show, but your favorite one. The doors dinged open and you stepped in. You wrinkled your nose at the music playing, quickly scurrying out as the doors opened once again.

With your umbrella over your head, you exited the building. Everything has been so terribly hard since you walked out that door. Gabriel was your savior; your guardian angel. He saved you from the hunting life and you proceeded to save him from himself. But in that mission you broke yourself and he gave you more pain than taking down the devil ever would.

He broke your trust multiple times, thinking that you could just get over it. But you couldn't because you had fallen in love with him, but not enough to stick with him after so many times of betrayal. Your walk soon came to an end as you entered your apartment, throwing your umbrella to the side without closing it.

"Y/N..." A voice spoke up from the corner of the living room. You slowly looked up to see your angel standing awkwardly in your home. "I'm so-"

"What are you doing here Gabriel?" You muttered, running a hand through your hair. He gave you a sad look before reaching out a hand for you which you ignored. "Well?"

"I'm ready to catch you." He stated. "I'm ready to catch you and to be the superhero you need. I'm ready." You looked down at the ground and shook your head as a sob came up your throat.

"And how am I supposed to know you're not lying? You didn't catch me those many times before, what makes now so different?" You cried, your voice broken and your eyes sad. That only broke his heart more.

"Because I'm ready to stand up with you forever. I'm ready to be there for you through it all even if saving you sends me back home. Please stay with me." Gabriel broke down in tears, his expression matching yours.

"Are you sure?" You whispered. He nodded and that was all you needed to run into his arms. "Don't ruin it this time, angel."

"I won't. I'll catch you no matter the cost."

Guess who's sick again? Me! fun. (not)

Anyways, I actually turned off Netflix and wrote this so there ya go. (I just watched a really endearing episode of supergirl so this happened.)

stay thirsty my memes,

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