Human!Castiel x Reader//Gravity

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Song of choice: Pluto- Sleeping At Last

Imagine: Castiel trying to figure out the main reason he loves you

You stared up at the stars above you, grass itching your naked skin; lightning bugs flashing bright around you. The universe couldn't help but mesmerize you. How could such beauty be hidden away from the world, up there only to be seen by the eyes who looked for it?  A shooting star flew across your vision making you silently wish before laughing out loud.

"How can something so simple brighten my day?" You pondered aloud, eyes twinkling as bright as the stars though you couldn't see. You could never see how wonderful you were. Maybe that's why you walked with slumped shoulders, hiding away from the world by cowering in your apartment as much as you possibly could. Maybe that's why your eyes went dull when the stars weren't out and your smile went slack when you saw no beauty. But beauty was in the mirror; you are beauty. You couldn't see it. You couldn't see you because you were too focused on others.

And maybe that's the main reason why Cas loves you.
"Oh Cas, I just can't do this anymore." You cried out, clutching onto him as if he was your only lifeline. "The world's so cruel. I don't understand how something so beautiful can be so evil." He held onto you tightly, not letting you go. He would never let you go even if his arms weren't wrapped around your lovely frame.

"The world is not evil." He stated softly, eyes closed and heart bursting with pain at the sight of yours. "It is the people who are evil. Except for you; you have the purest soul I have ever seen." Cas pulled away slightly to look into your eyes. Your tears had subsided but sadness still resided on your features. You chuckled and put a hand to his cheek, the other still gripping onto his coat.

"That's not true. My soul isn't the purest. There are a lot more better people out there than me who have done so much more." You let out a dry chuckle, welcoming the feeling of Castiel's lips on your cheek. With closed eyes you pulled him closer to you, a small smile on your lips even though you had stated something very sad.

The way you are so humble; that might be the main reason why Castiel loves you.
"Cas I'm warning you. Don't you dare." You let out as you stared him down from across the counter. He smiled at you, quirking his head to the side before he turned the nozzle of the sink towards you and turned it on. You squealed and ducked down behind the counter, taking the flour bag with you. Slowly you made your way around the counter before jumping up and hitting your boyfriend with the bag of flour as hard as you could. Flour fell down like falling snow, leaving Castiel covered. You laughed loudly; the kind of laughter that made you cry. He smiled at you even though he was covered in baking ingredients.

"You look beautiful." He stated earnestly. You sobered up and glanced up at him from your hunched stance with a soft smile. Flour settled down on your head as it still fell from where a huge clump hit the ceiling. You chuckled and shook your head which caused flour to fall from it. Standing up you walk over to him, pulling him into a hug.

"You're amazing my Angel." You muttered as you pulled him into a hug. He pulled back slightly with a shocked look on his face.

"You know?" He spoke, a mind blown look on his face. You raised an eyebrow and held him at arms length.

"What?" Cas laughed slightly before pulling you into a kiss. Your arms wrapped around his neck as his went around your waist. There was never a more perfect pair than you two; your lips worked in sync as your bodies fit each other like the right puzzle piece. You tore away from each other, gasping for breath before laughing like maniacs. "God I love you. You're my gravity."

"And you're my sun and stars and my universe."

Or maybe how he could show how much he loved you and you would reciprocate it. That could be the main reason.
"Cas, I'm home!" You yelled out as you closed the door to your shared apartment. A bright smile was on your face as you sipped your favorite drink and shed your heavy coat. Your smile faded into confusion as you saw him standing in the living room with two other men that you did not know. "Who are your friends?" The men looked you up and down in an observant way. One had eyes that held back pain and guilt in them whilst the other held heartbreak and lost self worth. You smiled gently at the broken men before handing a blueberry muffin to Cas. "Doris wanted me to give this to you as thanks. I would've gotten you two something if I'd known you would be here!"

"Y/N, there's a few things I need to tell you." You nodded and sat down. With open ears you listened to everything the love of your life and his two friends said. Yeah, it sounded insane; like something out of a fantasy novel. But you believed them. How could you not believe Castiel when all he had ever spoken was utter truth? Once they had finished speaking and your drink was far gone you cleared your throat and clapped your hands together.

"So how do we get your angel grace thing back?"

No, the main reason he loved you was definitely the way how you would run into battle with no weapons or armor for him; how you would stay by his side even through things that sounded insane. That was the main reason he loved you; because you loved him with all your might back.

ISNT THIS SO CUTE LIKE OH MY GOD I AM SO GOOD AT FLUFF! Also there will be two updates this week, the same as there were last week! I know I'm going insane.

But the reason for that is because last week I had a request to get up, and this week is the same thing. I kinda have a system where it goes Dean, Sam, Cas, and other. That's the order I update things and that's the reason why these past couple weeks I have updated twice.

You learn something new everyday! Also, what's your favorite song? A song that you would listen to till you die?

Mine's Angel With A Shotgun by The Cab or the song at the top of this.

stay thirsty my memes,

(Also I think I failed my Spanish exam I am going to die my poor 4.0)

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