Im sad and in a better mood thanks to you

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Thank you. Each and every one of you who continue to support my writing and support me, even if I waver.

I'm a mess of a human, and it absolutely astounds me that people like my writing or even me.

I read all of your comments. I take all of your votes to heart. I'm sorry that I don't respond to everything, but sometimes I just have nothing to say. So for all those times, here's a thank you for staying. Here's a thank you for believing in me. Here's a thank you for just being yourselves and staying that way.

I'm terrible at talking to people, whether that be through the Internet or real life. So don't take that personally. Just know that you guys help me get back up on my feet when I fall. You guys pull me up from a shove and show me that I need to trust in what I do.

This is cheesy, but the only way I know how to get my feelings out is cheesy. Or sad. But either way, thank you. For everything.

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