Chapter 14

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          "That is it!" My mom shouts as I lean against one of our kitchen counters, reaching for a bottle of pain reliever.

          "What?" I frown at her, twisting the lid on the bottle and popping it open.

          "You take at least four of those a day, it's not healthy." She sets her purse down on the table, turning to me with her hands on her hips.

          "It's not my fault that my head always hurts." I tip the bottle, dropping two of the little red pills into my hand. I set the pills down on the counter, closing the bottle and putting it back where I got it, I grab my cup of water. I pick up the pills again, placing them on my tongue before taking a huge drink, trying not to gag as they go down.

          "Your going to the doctors tomorrow. Someone your age shouldn't be getting head aches like this." She shakes her head, leaving the room before I can protest.

The past week had been stressful, My head ache never seemed to go away. Charlie and the girls were still mad at me, something I didn't understand. 

I had been talking to Liam, once a day, every afternoon at around 2 he had enough time to talk and we spent about a half an hour talking about random things that really didn't matter.

I hadnt told him about my head aches, believeing that they were nothing and it would be stupid to make him worry. 

I sit at the table, leaning foreword and rubbing at my temples. After a while, my mom comes back into the kitchen, a smug look on her face.

          "I called the doctor, you have an appointment tomorrow at 1." She picks up her purse and walks out of the room, things aren't completely quiet until I hear her door swing shut.


          "There is nothing I can do for your head at this point but give you a prescription for some extra strength pain reliever and this." The doctor goes through a stack of papers that are in front of her, frowning until she found the right one, which she placed next to me as I sat on the hard grey examining table.

The doctor I got on this visit was young, with blonde hair, greyish eyes and a smile always on her face, I could tell that she was also new to this doctors office. Most of the older doctors, never smiled and were rude.

My mom and I had arrived for our appointment fifteen minutes early, hoping to get in early, boy were we wrong, it was a quarter to 2 when they finally called us in, which I was grateful for, no longer able to handle the loud little kids that filled the waiting room.

The doctor had spent a few minutes poking at my head, asking which part the headaches were located, my response being my whole head.

          "You want me to keep track of my headaches?" I ask as I lift the paper up, it had 5 columns, One for the time, the level on which I would rate it (1-10), what could have caused it, how many pills I took and one for weather or not the pills worked. 

          "Yes. I'll have you come back in exactly 2 months and we'll see how things look then." I sigh as she says the words, hoping to get more help than she was offering.

          "Thank you." My mom takes the prescription from the doctor, smiling as she shoves it in her purse. 

I get up from the table, walking over to the door, waiting for my mom to open it so we can step into the dull scentless hallway where even through the thick walls you could hear the various, unpleasant noises coming from the waiting room.

I always hated that my mom had chosen this place as our family doctors office. The building was small, the outside was falling apart and the inside was dull with white walls and grey carpets. Most family doctors, ones that would be handling alot of little kids, were colorful with things that made kids calm down, but not this one. This place screamed scary.

          "That was a waste of time." I tell my mom as we walk to the end of the hall, turning to the left and pushing the door opening. I cringe as the noise becomes much louder, making my head throb harder.

          "No it wasn't." She slips the paper from the doctor out of my fingers, shoving it in her purse. I smile, hopping she forgets about the paper and I wont have to do it.

Once we're outside, I take a deep breath. Enjoying the fresh air and the quiet.


          "Hey." I say as I answer Liam's call. The phone he  gave me began to ring as we pulled into the driveway, I was quick to get out of the car and into the house, running up to my room before my mom could say anything.

          "Hi." His voice instantly makes me smile as I walk further into my room, sitting at my desk which is littered with things I had attempted to write.

          "How have you been?" I ask, picking up one of the sheets of notebook paper, reading the words and trying not to laugh at how terrible it was.

          "Great." He says , I can tell that he's smiling.

          "You like touring?" I ask, leaning back in the chair.

          "Yeah! It's amazing, all of the people we get to see, the crowds of girls that are all there for us." He happily sighs after saying the words as quickly as possible.

          "It sounds fun." I bring my knees up, resting my head on them.

My mom suddenly appears in my doorway, dropping the sheet of paper for my head aches in front of me before leaving. I roll my eyes at her, wanting to throw it away.

          "What have you done today?" Liam asks. He was always like this, talking about himself for a few short minutes before changing the topic to me.

          "Just got back from the doctors." I tell him, knowing he'd get pissed off if he found out that I kept it from him.

It was funny, how close we had gotten in such a short period of time.

          "Why? What's wrong?" All happiness that was in his voice, fades and I instantly regret telling him.

          "Nothing. It was just a check up." I lie, proud of myself for coming up with it so quickly.

          "Oh." He takes a deep breath and I do to, not realizing, I had been holding my breath.


I already have the next chapter written, but I wont post it until 3 people comment.

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