Chapter 43

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It had taken Vivianetta much longer than she'd like to admit to regain her senses. The battle had already ended, Jarin had stayed by her side fighting off whatever dared come near her.

As she rose to her feet, she saw the stretcher. Thorin's sword was still clutched in his hand. She hurried after it, watching Dwalin and another dwarf disappear into a tent. She fought her way through the crowd until she found the tent.

"Thorin? Thorin?!" Vivi screamed, practically diving onto the cot. He coughed, wincing a little at the sudden added weight. She pulled away and looked down at the dwarf, her eyes stung with tears. "Oh, Thorin." She whispered, stroking a hair out of his eyes. He had been wounded badly, what did him in she guessed was the massive hole in his chest and the substantial loss of blood. She sat up and took his hand, trying to hide her tears and calm herself.

"If it's any condolences to you, I can't feel anything below the middle of my back, so the gaping hole in my chest is only half as bad as it should be." She couldn't help but crack a smile and a small laugh.

"It's not, but thank you for telling me." There was a long pause. Just by the look in her eye he could tell Vivi was hatching a plan to save him somehow.

"Now, Vivianetta, you have to promise me something."


"Do not try to save me, it would be pointless, I'm too far beyond saving now. Let me rest, remember only the good times." She burst into tears, muffling her sobs with one hand and holding tightly to Thorin's with the other. He squeezed her hand reassuringly. "Do not fret." He said, stroking her cheek. "Things aren't always what they seem."

"What are you talking about?" She looked at him in utter confusion. Then she could hear voices, loud voices, someone yelling at someone and getting yelled at in return, the voices were familiar, Doktorian, a voice she'd grown up with and... but it couldn't be?!

"MOVE DAMNIT!" His thundering voice echoed. The flap of the tent was flung open and Doktorian angrily held it open. Dok's back was bloody, and she had a limp, but those annoyed dark eyes still shone as bright as ever when she glowered at him. There he was. His shirt untucked. Boots missing. Hair slightly askew and a lovely purple bruise on the side of his temple. Thorin Oakenshield. It took a moment to sink in, but then it happened, like puzzle pieces falling into place. Thorin's bruise, Ali's disappearance, things aren't always what they seem. She turned, now staring into the face of a new being. Alissyanna.

She sobbed and engulfed her friend in a hug. Between her violent sobs and shaking she could make out one thing, a chuckle, Ali's no doubt. The sweet, velvety pitch of her laugh made Vivi cry even harder. She pulled away from her and looked down at her dear companion. Thorin's armor was enormous now, the chainmail nearly drowning her.

"Watch out, move, careful!" A new voice arose, Jay. Two stretchers were carried through the flap in the tent. Fili and Kili. Then the flap again burst open Ulric and the twins close behind.

"Ulric?!" Ali wheezed confused. "I thought you were taking Kili's spot, like we promised." He looked at her then at the still body of Kili who wasn't Kili. "You promised,"

"Plans changed." He breathed. Slowly they all looked towards the imposter, they started changing right before their eyes, and Ali was stunned.

"Father." She whispered. On the stretcher, the imposter Kili was no longer Kili, it was Carak. He looked over at his daughter and smiled.

"Hi honey." He murmured.

"What were you thinking?"

"About you, princess." She smiled a little. "I haven't much time."

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