Chapter 5

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“NO!” I said. I stepped backwards into the wall. It was still in the mirror.

“You think you can escape me?! Fool!” It spat back, laughing.

“Just go away!” I croaked.

“Go away? Go away? I am the only reason you are alive, you should have died years ago and that ‘all holy’ land of yours! Go away. HA!” I collapsed to my knees. I covered my face with my hands. I felt tears come to my eyes, but I wiped them away. Crying was for the weak. I stood up and left the room. When I got out to the hallway, a few people were coming towards me; there were a few bedrooms in the back they were going to stay in. I ducked my head and passed them. Gandalf was sitting at the table, when we were sure everyone was asleep, I sat down.

“I noticed you missed the song.” He said.

It needed a word.” I answered, bouncing my leg. I was leaning forward, one elbow on my knee and I rested my head in that hand. The other leg was bouncing and the other hand was fidgeting with a string on my shirt hem. I was sweating a little and anxious as hell. He leaned forward, he took my hands in his and looked at me.

“Do you want a little Old Toby?”

“No, I’ve tried it, it doesn’t help, just makes it worse.”

“What can I do for you?”

“Nothing.” I stood up and started pacing. He stood to.

“There has to be something.”

“No. once a month It gets the better of me.” My breathing was fast and I was shaking now.

“Have you changed?”

“Yes, It usually calms down after that, but not tonight.” An unbearable pain spread all over my body. I doubled over and took deep breaths. “It’s like a war inside me. I’m constantly fighting with It. It never ends.”

“Can I give you anything for pain?”

“No medicine or magic would touch it.” I was kneeling again. When the pain wore off long enough to stand up I did. Gandalf was smiling a softly at me, I was confused. “Are you mocking me?” I snapped.

“Not at all, do you remember how to break your demon?”

“No, why does it matter, I’ve tried everything.”

“When you fell, I was still a child, I remember it vividly. I remember you gave me a scrap of paper and told me to keep it and when I grew older to find you. I did as told, but I had lost the paper. While searching for something a few months ago, I found this.” He handed me a small scrap of paper. When I looked at it, I saw my old language, I couldn’t read it, it had been too long. I knew it was my writing though, the different thicknesses of the letters and the ink splotches every so often. I looked at him, a hopeful expression on my face.

“Can you read it?” I whispered.

“I cannot.” My heart sank. “But I know someone who may be able to.” I raised my eyes to his. “Are you sure I can do nothing?”

“Yes, thank you though.” He nodded and left. I went and sat on the porch, the air was cool easing the pain a bit. I sat that night on the porch, I didn’t sleep, I just sat, staring at the stars. When the morning came I got up, everyone was awake I came into the door silently.

“Did you hear her leave?”


“That’s because I didn’t.” I snapped back over my shoulder. The two dwarves instantly went silent. I found Gandalf.

“Any better?”

“No, but its tolerable.” I said. I took an apple from a dish as a few dwarves passed by carrying a table. I took a bite and went back outside I whistled and heard the sound of hooves on the dirt path. I opened the gate and took another bite of the apple. Braig came trotting up the path. He tossed his head and reared. I held the apple out to him; he gladly ate the rest of it. I looked down the trail and saw all the ponies following him. I pulled the saddle off and put it on Bilbo’s fence. I had only my pack and my weapons, and I didn’t want that saddle to weigh us down. I slung my pack over my shoulder and took off his bridle. He stuck his lips out and nibbled my shoulder. I shrugged him off till he pulled my hair. “Braig, you twit!” I turned and rubbed his head. He threw his head a little, rubbing his nose on my cheek. I giggled when he stuck his lips out.

“He’s almost as beautiful as his rider.” I turned to see a Dwarf standing behind me. He smiled at me, then at Braig. I blushed a little.

“Thank you…” I realized I didn’t know his name.


“Bofur, thank you.” He smiled and nodded, and then he looked behind us down the path.

“How’d they know where to come?”

“That’ll be Braig.” I explained looking at all the ponies, standing in the middle of the path.

“He’s smart to.” Bofur said, smiling, he walked back and examined his pony. I turned back to Braig. He rested his head on mine.

“Oh don’t even play at that, I went through more than you did last night, and I haven’t slept in three days, you’re fine.” He stomped his foot and turned his head from me. I rolled my eyes grinning. I heard everyone else come out, quietly. “Braig, help a girl out?” He bent down so he was on his front knees. I painfully swung my leg over and he stood up. Shaking off the dust he took a few steps forward, everyone was ready, and we all looked at Thorin, he passed by Braig and I. He was going to lead us. A few more passed and we followed in the middle of the company. The farther we went the more I thought that maybe Bilbo wasn’t going to come.

“Do you think he’ll come?” I looked and saw the dark haired dwarf I led to Hobbiton.

“Bilbo? Yes.” He nodded.

“They’re taking bets, you want in?”

“No, my lucks been a bit down this week.” I said smiling. Then I thought of something, I had been with him all day yesterday, and I still never thought of it. “What’s your name?” I asked looking down at him. He smiled and turned his horse around, just like had to him. I smirked and shook my head. Braig was getting antsy, he started trotting randomly and bucking just a little. “Oh, alright c’mon.” I squeezed his shoulders with my knees and reached into my pocket, pulling out a thin leather strip so I could pull my hair up. We stepped out of line and trotted over the hill. I leaned forward and tightened my grip on his mane. He started to paw the ground and he reared up a bit.

“What are you doing?” Thorin snapped.

“When you’re ready.” I said. Braig started at a trot, then he went into a canter, then he stopped, he looked back at me. I tightened my grip on his mane and held on tight. He waited a little bit.

“Alissyanna!” Thorin yelled again. Then, as if a whip was cracked, Braig took off into a dead sprint. The wind felt good, rushing past me, cooling my face. I could feel every muscle in his shoulders while he was running. He decided to turn, sharply. I was able to touch the grass with my hand. He straightened up, and then started back towards the company, still sprinting. I sat up straight; I pulled my leather hair ribbon out and let my hair down, it whipped around in the wind. I loved that feeling, the split second of joyous freedom, before I had to return to my wretched captivity, with it gnawing at the last bit of hope, or perhaps sanity, standing between me and it.


How'd you like it?? Good? Better than the last one I did? Worse? Anything you want to ask/comment on.... put it in the comments!!! I want at least two this chapter, pretty please???

Thanks for reading!!!

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