Chapter Five

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Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait between updates. To make up for it, this chapter is extra long (hopefully). Also, I have done a bit of editing and switching, so you might want to read over the story so far. Thank you to everyone who has read this, your comment make my day!




I was greeted with the flinty gaze of Finn’s icy blue eyes. I stood nervously in the doorway as he ignored me. Finally, I couldn’t stand it anymore.

                            “So,” I said, my voice breaking the silence between us.

                            “Yes?” he replied, never looking at me, his voice controlled and even.

How could he keep ignoring me like this? Four years and not even a “are you okay Eva”. I glared at him but didn’t say anything. I felt my hurt and anger rising up in me like a tide. Suddenly the hot tears started spilling out, rolling down my cheeks as my body wracked with harsh sobs.

Then Finn was next to me, his arms encompassing me in his warmth. His hand stroked my hair, and he whispered to me quietly.

                            “Hey, shush. It’s okay. Shh, it’s okay,” He murmured.

Slowly my heaving body slowed enough for me to dry my eyes, now red and puffy and stop crying.

                            “I’m sorry,” I sniffed pathetically.

He moved away from me slightly, before replying, his voice carefully controlled to mask his emotions,

                            “It’s alright, are you okay?”

I nodded, soundlessly. What just happened? I must be seriously stressed out.

                            “What happened to you?” I blurted out, surprising myself.

He stilled for a moment, and my heart skipped a beat. Then he turned to me, his face open for once, and the expression he wore almost made me cry again. It was a mask of pure pain, and in his eyes I saw the worn look of the horrors he had seen, and the anger that he held inside himself.

                            “Finn…” I trailed off as he turned to face me, his eyes blazing.

                            “Don’t,” he whispered, “Don’t be sorry. It wasn’t you, it was them. I fight for what they took,”

I silently wrapped my arms around him, and just held him, the same way he had held me. We clung to each other for a moment, lost in the memories of what was gone forever.

                            “Come on Eva, you old snail!” he yelled, racing ahead of me, down the well-worn track. Pushing my way through the thick undergrowth, I followed him calling out my own insults,

                            “Hey! That’s so not fair, you cheated!”

We splashed our way through the cool river, keeping to the shallows and taking care not to disturb the silently deadly nests that sat so innocently on the river bed. Picking our way through a dense thicket, we finally emerged at our secret spot.

Rules Were Made to be Broken {Watty Awards 2012 Finalist}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora