Chapter Two

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Hey all, I know this chapter is a bit rough but hopefully I will have more time soon to finetune it, so enjoy! Please comment and say what you think of this, don't be shy! 



As soon as I was unstrapped from the table, they left me outside Dr Larmont’s office. Nigel was already there to escort me back to my cell. I didn’t care about trying to escape anymore, it never worked anyway. I just got punished. But this new revelation was enough to make me reconsider one last attempt.

Why would they be testing for brain activity?

If this was some new weapon they were developing, it would most likely be just as terrifying as everything else they have ever invented.

Thrown carelessly back into the semi-freedom of my prison I lay on the floor for a time, maybe hours or minutes, or days or months. I couldn’t tell until finally I moved.

Suddenly the piercing sirens rang through my cell, and I jumped in fright. I had only ever heard these once before, and that was for a fire drill around three years ago. They hadn’t even moved me, only sent extra guards down to watch me. But this time I could hear raised voices, and swearing from my guards.

            “Move her? She’s the most important prisoner in this godforsaken place! What the hell are they thinking up there?”  I could hear Nigel growling to the soldier who had informed him of this obviously displeasing news.

            “Get out of here! Run back to your master, dog,” He hissed, and I could hear the slowly fading footsteps as the soldier left hurriedly. Then Nigel appeared.

            “It’s a real fire this time. Well it seems like they finally got through. Musta been an inside job I’d say,” This peaked my interest.

            “Who finally got in?” I asked quietly.

Nigel laughed loudly. “So our little birdie found her voice huh? Didn’t stop you trying to flee the coop last time did it? Your little friends are trying to rescue you. They set a fire in the top floors and it’s going to burn its way down to us if we don’t move quickly. Get on with it.”

I slowly dragged myself to my feet as Nigel unlocked my cell doors. I knew he was stronger than me by far, and armed with an impressive array of stun guns, poisons, knives, darts and other weapons. In my weakened state I knew I would have a hard time getting up the stairs, let alone pick a fight with the only person even close to a friend in this place.

I heard the beeping of the doors signalling that someone was arriving. Then two soldiers appeared, with something I was extremely familiar with. They each held a small gun that projected stun lasers that would hold me immobilised while I was being transported out of the building into a safe house. I knew all too well the horrible feeling of being unable to move, cry or do anything. I could already feel the cold seeping into my body as they scanned me, the lasers lifting me off the ground as the journey out of my prison began.

The thick smog from the fire was spreading quickly, I could already taste it in the air, and by the looks on the faces of my guards so could they. They began to run, me jolting along behind them as the smoke thickened. I could hear a faint creaking above us as glass windows began to shatter. The screams had started, the sirens overseeing the chaos.

I could feel the breath of fresh air teasing me as Nigel powered his way through the mess of a building, pulling us out behind him. As I looked upwards I could already see that the top floors were ablaze. But we had come to a standstill. I tried to turn around to see what had happened but I was immobilised in the lasers.

The raised voices of men were all around me, accompanied by endless sirens and the ashen taste of smoke on my lips.

            “Let her go,” My heart stopped in that moment as I recognised the voice of the boy I had known all my life. Except he wouldn’t be a boy anymore, he would be a man.


            “Never!” Nigel roared and I could hear rapid gunfire as he drew his weapons, firing on my people. I struggled in my bonds but to no avail. Then, there was a colossal boom from above as the roof exploded, raining chunks of metal and concrete onto the forces gathered below. I was tossed aside by one of the soldiers, fleeing in cowardice away from the terror of the dark morning. As the laser was crushed under the force of the falling roof, I was freed. Forcing myself to ignore the stabbing pains in my leg and back I dragged myself out of the way of most of the debris.

A hand clamped over my mouth preventing me from crying out as I was pulled mercilessly behind a large pile of fallen concrete and crumpled metal.

            “Eva, it’s me. I need to you to promise me that you won’t scream or fight me okay?” My body went limp as I heard Finn’s voice, for the last 4 years I had thought him dead!

            “Eva, nod if you can do that for me,” Okay Eva, just breathe I told myself as I nodded weakly.

            “Okay, I’m going to take my hand away now. We’re going to get you out of here, alright?” he said, slowly taking away his hand.

            “Finn?” I whispered softly.


            “Hey. I thought you were dead. Where have you been?”

He laughed a different laugh since I last saw him before we were separated. This laugh was cold and dispassionate.

            “You thought I was dead. Where have I been? For the last four years I have been trying to get you out of that place. Finally, it’s come close to happening,”

I pondered over this for a moment before responding with absolute simplicity, “Okay then. Let’s go,”

He looked surprised for a moment before nodding. He extended a hand to help me up and in a flash of motion so fast I almost missed it he drew out a syringe and plunged it into my arm.

            “Finn? Whaa…” I trailed off as the drug took effect and I began to lose consciousness.

            “I’m sorry Eva,” He whispered as my eyes drifted shut and I fell into a sleep filled with dreams.

Icy cold metal cuffs pinned my wrists to the equally cool table that I was sprawled across. I was wearing my simple slaves’ garment, and just the feel of the rough material sickened me. I screamed, heaving my body upwards, thrashing around in a last ditch attempt to free myself.

It was too late.

A figure in white approached me steadily, he was my angel, he brought pain and the numbing drinking that was my salvation.

I cringed away from the tray of tools that were placed delicately on a table next to my head. Which would it be today? Would I leave here with broken fingers, or a scarred body?

It didn’t matter anymore. They had already told me, the pain was to weaken me. If I gave up, they wouldn’t hurt me. But I couldn’t give up. Not now, not ever.

So I bore the pain as blinding agony sliced into me, time and time again. I took the numbing liquid and listened to the voices above me. Only one though went through my mind.

I can’t give up.

Okay, enjoy, comment/vote/fan/share and keep your eyes peeled for more soon! Ah, so what does everyone think? Thanks for all the support with the story! :)

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