Chapter Eight

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Hey everyone,

Sorry for the wait, hopefully this chapter is worth it! Well this is a bit of a boring chpater, I think, but it is a lead up to something exciting (yay!). Thanks for all the support and feedback, I *love* constructive criticism. Enjoy! :)



                            “Yes, of course.” He replied sarcastically and I released a breath that I hadn’t realised I had been holding in.

                            “Oh,” I said slightly annoyed at myself because I had actually believed him for a moment there.

                            “Did you actually think I was going to kill you?” he asked in amazement, stopping to look at me.

I blushed under his gaze because for a moment there, I really had thought he would kill me.

                            “No,” I said in denial.

                            “Come on, Eva, really?”

His eyes were laughing at me, but his face was completely serious. He sighed and turned around when I didn’t answer but kept walking.

It was then that I noticed that we actually were about to enter the forest on the edge of the Rebellion encampment.

                            “Wait, so we are actually going into the forest?” I asked, confused.

Finn shook his head in mock amusement.

                            “No, I figured I’d just take a leisurely stroll in there and leave you out here on your own.” He said sarcastically.

Where had this cynical side of him come from? What happened to him ignoring me?

                            “Alright, I get it.”

Echoing his footsteps I mirrored the path he took into the forest. Each step I took seemed to shroud me in deeper shadows, and I shivered in the icy breeze. We were only about fifteen feet into the forest when Finn stopped.

                            “I need to talk to you Eva,” he said, only repeating his earlier words from the tent.

I nodded for him to continue, listening with growing horror to his story.

                            “After you were taken, I knew that we had to rescue you…before it was too late. But Todd wouldn’t let me go, he said that you would just come back like Alyssa and I would end up getting hurt. Askove said it was okay, as long as Todd agreed. I spent forever trying to convince him to let me go in for you, and finally he agreed. As long as Askove tests you to see if you were brainwashed or something. Apparently Askove can do a test and it will show if you’re brainwashed or not,” he stopped for a breath but I hardly noticed the pause, my mind was whirring.

                            “Just a test…”

They wanted to know if I was a threat, that was what Askove had said when I first saw him after I was rescued.

                            “The first attempt failed.”

It took a moment for me to register what he had just said, the first attempt implied that they tried more than once to free me…unsuccessfully. Why was I so important?

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