Chapter Twenty Four

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Here it is. Chapter Twenty Four. I love this number. Anyway, vote!!!!! Comment!!!!!

Love you all, thank you for your support.



Unfortunately Skovski ruined the moment when he started shooting at us, although we were already out of rage.

And I had to let out a giggle when he hurled the gun to the ground – I swear I saw him stamp his foot there, too.

I settled back into my seat, and for the first time noticing how tense Aiden was.

            “What is it?” I asked.

            “Why did you kiss him? He was on his side, not ours,” Aiden asked, and I could tell from his voice how controlled he was, even his fingers were taut on the steering wheel.

            “All debts paid, remember?” I replied.

            “Then don’t forget you owe me as well,” He said smugly.

I’d forgotten that.

            “Why do I owe you?” I asked, feigning ignorance.

He snorted in amusement.

            “Don’t even go there,”

            “Why on earth not, Aiden?” I asked, my voice becoming slightly more jarred as the car bumped along the winding road. We had long since left the main road to avoid any pursuers, and I honestly had no idea where we actually were.

Suddenly the car ground to a halt.

            “All debts paid, right?” he said, and it was undoubtedly a question.

            “Yes, but…”

            “So you owe me a kiss,”

I sighed. He just wouldn’t give up.

In a spur-of-the-moment decision, I leaned forward and kissed him, swiftly on the lips.

I could feel his surprise when he didn’t respond at all, and I drew back instead, and found myself grinning from ear to ear.

            “All debts paid,”

He still looked rather startled so I slapped him lightly, and said;

            “Don’t look so gormless, it’s not like you’ve never been kissed before,”

He smirked at me, and replied;

            “How would you know?”

He can’t be serious. No-one can be that flirtatious and still never been kissed.

            “You’re kidding right?” I asked.

            “Yeah, I’m kidding,” He replied.

Good. Because that would have been too weird, even for me.

He started the car again and we continued down the road less travelled – quite literally, this was an abandoned road, that no-one used anymore. Who knows where it lead, but I didn’t care anymore. I just wanted to leave, and never return.

            “So, where are we headed?” I asked conversationally, stretching out in my seat until I was comfortable.

            “I have no idea. Where do you want to go?” He asked.

            “Wait. So we’re technically escaped criminals, and you’re asking me if we want to take a holiday? Hmm, maybe we should go to Hawaii or something?” I replied sarcastically.

            “Well, we are fugitives, but I do like the sound of Hawaii. I could get a tan,” He joked.

Well, I thought he was joking. We ended up just driving along that same road until it got dark, sleeping in turns in the car.

It was kind of spooky, the deserted road in the middle of nowhere, with nothing all around us, and Aiden making “witty” comments all night to “lighten the mood”. If we got caught, I guess we’d have to find a way out of it. Until then, we’ll just take each day as it comes.

Hiding from the law isn’t all the movies make it out to be. For starters, I was running from my ex-boyfriend (I suppose Finn was my ex-boyfriend) and his father who wanted to kill me. Secondly, I was with my ex-boyfriend’s hot older brother. And thirdly, I was dead curious about a whole lot of things which would probably get me in a whole lot of trouble.

But I’m sure that can all wait for tomorrow. In fact, it would be great if all my problems just went away. That’s not how it works though, not in the real world.

One day, I’ll stop running. One day, I’ll fight.

Just not today.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

            “I will find them, father,” I said, my voice hoarse.

Skovski smiled, a terrifying smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes.

            “Of course you will. You know what will happen if you don’t. You know what is at stake here,” He replied evenly.

            “I will not fail you,”

I'm really glad that this is the last chapter. Don't worry about any loose ends, there is a sequel!!! Twenty Four is an awesome number, so pretty cool that this was the final & comment, and support me in the watty's pretty please! :)

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