Chapter Seven

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Author's Note:

Another one of these, haha. I'm not too sure about this chapter, but it was quite fun to write. Vote/comment, tell me what you think. :)



                            “Eva, so pleased you could join us,” Askove said pleasantly as I entered the tent. He smiled, but behind his cool demeanour he was laughing at me.

                            “Would you like something to drink? Tea? Coffee? Wine?” he offered, gesturing to a tray that had a glass of each. As I cautiously sat on the proffered seat, I ran my eyes over the selection, the cups containing tea and coffee emitting a cloud of smoke, and both were also giving off a thick, pungent odour. I drew back in distaste, glancing over at the wine.

I don’t drink. Alcohol, that is.

The wine sat in front of me, taunting me. Deep red, it stained the glass. Askove took a sip of his own wine, and a drop remained on his lips when he put the glass down. And in that instant I knew.

It wasn’t just the knowing smile, or the cold eyes. Something about him was off.

                            “So, Eva. What’s it to be?” he said, and then I realised that I had been lost in thought and he expected an answer.

                            “I’m not thirsty,”

                            “Wine it is then. Red or white?”

                            “I don’t drink,”

                            “Come on, Eva. One drink won’t kill you,” He laughed, mockingly raising his own glass. When I didn’t respond, just continued staring at him coldly his smile fell slightly.

                            “Red then. Drink up,” This time it was an order, he pushed the glass towards me and it lay between us on the table, a solid boundary. I reached for the glass slowly, raising it up to my lips. I had barely swallowed one sip before we were interrupted.

                            “Commander, sir?” one of the soldiers on guard outside his tent had come inside.

                            “Yes, what is it?” Askove asked impatiently.

                            “Mr Finn is here to see you. He said you requested a meeting?” the last was more of a question than a statement but Askove nodded.

                            “Send him in,”

The young man disappeared through the door, returning with Finn, who was looking extremely unimpressed at having to be escorted into the room.

                            “Have a seat, Finn,” Askove said with a falsely cheerful attitude.

Finn sat down at the table unwillingly, picking up a glass of wine and unconsciously mirroring my stance as he rolled the stem of the wine glass slowly between his fingers.

                            “Now as I was about to say to young Eva here, I have a job for you to do,”

I blinked, and from the careful tone of his voice I could sense the implications behind his words.

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