Update :)

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Hello everyone. No, this isn't an actual story upload, you'll have to wait for the sequel for that. This is just an update of Very Important Information.

[1] I have uploaded another version of this story, a completely rewritten and edited version. I would very much appreciate it if you could all check it out and give your opinion on it. It differs slightly from this version, the original verson.

[2] The sequel to this book will be uploaded once I have finished uploaded the rewritten and edited version of this book [for me information on this, see paragraph one.] The sequel will be called Forgotten.

[3] Some information not pertaining to this story at all, it's my birthday tomorrow. So you should go read my books. :)

[4] My Watty Awards entries for 2013 will be Frostbite [Paranormal/Romance] and Dusk to Dawn [Fantasy/Romance].

[5] If you don't already know, this story was a finalist in the Watty Awards 2012, and was winning for a while. But, alas, we did not win. But that's alright, there's always this year. I'm rather excited for this year. 

Alrighty so that's everything I think, thank you all again for the support on this story and my others. Hopefully I'll be seeing more of your lovely comments on my other stories *wink wink* :)

Goodbye. :)

🎉 Rules Were Made to be Broken {Watty Awards 2012 Finalist} hikayesini okumayı bitirdin 🎉
Rules Were Made to be Broken {Watty Awards 2012 Finalist}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin