Chapter Twenty

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Getting close to the end now everyone, thank you to anyone who is reading this, I really appreciate it! :) So, I will be editing this story after all the chapters have been posted (don't want to leave you hanging). Anyway, I'm sure you just want me to post the chapter and get on with it, so here it is.

This is a new chapter since editing began so enjoy!



The next day was a Sunday, apparently, I had no idea because no one had told me between kidnappings, you know. On Sundays we had half the day as free time, the morning was spent doing the essential duties and after that we could practically do anything! For slaves, that was. We couldn’t go on the main grounds, we had to stay in the slaves’ quarters or in the courtyard outside the slaves’ quarters, but we didn’t have to work, and we could socialise so that was good.

I had decided to try to find Finn and Aiden and talk to them about the mission that day. Little did I know exactly how challenging it would be to find Aiden.

Finding Finn wasn’t a problem, he was in the main eating area, having the usual breakfast of lump main eating area, having the usual breakfast of lumpy porridge. I searched every area I was allowed to be in for Aiden, but I still couldn’t find him. Finn even checked the men’s sleeping rooms to see if he in there, but he wasn’t.

Finally I decided that I would check outside in some of the areas that we weren’t allowed in. It would be just like Aiden to get himself caught in a forbidden area and punished as soon as we had a day off.

Unsurprisingly, I found him in a place he shouldn’t have been. What did surprise me though, was that he wasn’t actually doing anything. He was in the gardens, just sitting under a tree.

To be honest, he looked half asleep when I first found him, the sun illuminating his handsome features.

Handsome features, what was I thinking?

            “Princess, how’d you find me?” he asked, surprise etched all over his face as I collapsed on the ground beside him.

            “I followed the trail of muddy footprints,” I said, maintaining a serious face.

            “Whatever. You were probably desperate enough that you searched the whole place looking for me,” He said. Then he started laughing.

            “Are you serious, Eva? You actually searched the whole place for me?”

            “Well, you could have jeopardised the mission!” I protested weakly.

            “As if,” He scoffed. Then he paused, and his face fell into shadow as he looked down.

            “I don’t really give a shit about the mission anymore,” He added solemnly.

            “You had a deal with him, didn’t you?”

            “I – yes,” He admitted, shamefacedly.

            “I had to bring you to him, and Finn as well and in exchange he would tell me what happened to my mother,”

            “What did happen to your mother?” I asked, before realising that he might not want to tell me.

            “I don’t want to talk about this,” He said, throwing me a half-hearted smirk.

            “I’ll tell you a secret though,” He said teasingly.

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