Chapter Twenty Three

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Here it is y'all, chapter twenty three! This is entered in the Watty Awards 2012, so please promote, comment, vote and SUPPORT!!!!!! Love you all, thank you so much. :D



Except that he wasn’t dead anymore.

            “D-dad?” Finn asked, walking towards him. His guard seemed to have forgotten what “restraint” meant since he didn’t try to stop him. Askove too, was just looking smug.

            “Son, I’m sorry I deceived you. But the real traitor here is not me, but him,” He gestured to Aiden.

            “I have spent the last seven years running from my son, who was trying to kill me,”

I couldn’t help but gasp at these words. Finn had tried to kill his father – but why?

Aiden’s laughter broke the silence.

            “Yes, little brother, I tried to kill him. He was never part of the Rebellion; he was feeding secrets to the SPA the whole time! He killed our mother,”

Not Finn, Aiden.

            “Now, that is where you are wrong, Aiden. I wasn’t feeding secrets to the SPA – I am the SPA,”

Oh my God. And so the bomb drops.

I could tell that this was a shock to both brothers – and me.

            “Y-you tried to kill Eva?” Finn asked, his brow creasing in shock as he looked between his brother, his father and me.

            “Yes, Eva. Well, here is the tricky part. I tried to kill her, because she should never have been born,”

My eyes widened in shock at his last words.

            “What do you mean?” I asked, too stunned to yell or scream or fight.

            “It doesn’t matter now. You won’t live, and Askove is disposable. My sons will join me as we lead the world to a new era,”

            “We had an agreement, Skovski,” Askove said slowly, realisation dawning on his face.

            “All’s fair in love and war, my friend,”

            “You’re going to kill me then?” he asked, and I could see him forming a plan.

            “Yes,” Skovski, Aiden and Finn’s father replied simply.

            “I think not,”

Suddenly Askove lunged towards Aiden, swiping his security card over the chains’ lock. They sprung open, and Aiden was free.

There was a sudden ‘thunk’ and then the window shattered, a thousand pieces of crystalline glass scattering across the office floor, as the office chair spun  into the air.


I wrenched myself away from Finn who snatched at me, narrowly missing my hair, and sprinted for the window.

I didn’t make a sound as my feet began to sting, I didn’t even scream as Finn yanked on my arm painfully.

I skidded to a halt at the edge, Aiden and Askove beside me, and the others behind us.

            “It’s you choice now, Eva. Will you join us, or die?” Aiden and Finn’s father said, dangerously.


Rules Were Made to be Broken {Watty Awards 2012 Finalist}Where stories live. Discover now