Chapter Thirteen

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I just wanted to thank everyone who has been supporting this story, all the wonderful comments are greatly appreciated, I LOVE hearing all your feedback. Anyway, I hope you all like this chapter. :) Enjoy!



                      “Aiden? What are you doing here?” I asked in shock.

He flashed me his trademark grin before replying.

                      “You didn’t seriously think I’d forgotten you, did you? You did try to kill me,”

I shook my head in amazement. How could one person be so hard to figure out? I thought I knew him, but now it was like I'd barely scratched the surface of who he was.

                      “Well, you're looking a bit healthier than when I last saw you, I must say,”

To my astonishment, he threw back his head and laughed loudly, the sound echoing along the noticeably vacant street.

                      “Eva, Eva. So where have you been hiding yourself these past few years? I missed your kind personality,” He said mockingly.

I shivered as goose bumps ran over the exposed skin on my arms.

                      “Well, you wouldn’t know, would you? I think the real question here is, where were you?” I replied with more anger than I had meant.

His expression gave away nothing, the only sign of shock being the slight widening of his eyes before they sunk back into the shadows.

                      “Well, that really is another story for another day,” He replied evasively.

                      “Yes, I’m sure we all want the answer to that question, brother,”

It was just a huge family reunion tonight, wasn’t it?

                      “Hello, Finn,” Aiden said coolly.

                      “Aiden,” Finn replied shortly.

                      “Wow, keep calm please, guys,” I interrupted their glaring at each other.

                      “Eva, we need to go back to the Club,” Finn said urgently.

                      “Why don’t I join you there?” added Aiden pleasantly.

                      “No,” Finn said sharply before I could say yes.

                      “Why not?” I asked.

Finn didn’t answer, he grabbed my arm and started leading me back towards the Club. Angrily I shook his hand off.


                      “Come on Eva,” He groaned coming to a halt.

                      “Yes, Finn, that’s now way to treat a lady,” Aiden interrupted smirking.

                      “I don’t give a toss what you think,” Finn replied rudely.

I must have missed something here. They had always argued, but Finn never hated his brother…but now, it was like he had something to hate him for.

Finn saw the realization in my eyes and he nodded in a silent agreement that he would tell me what had gone on between him and Aiden.

                      “Sorry Aiden, I gotta go,” I said shooting him a smile.

He ran a hand through his messy hair before arching one eyebrow in farewell.

                      “Well, bye then,” He said before turning away.

He melded into the shadows of the street, the only sound being his retreating footsteps, and my breath causing misty clouds in the cool night air.

I followed Finn back through the abandoned streets until we came to the Club’s entrance. As before, there were people smoking outside the doorway, but they didn’t bother us this time. I still saw Finn glaring at the guy who had talked to me before, but the guy didn’t seem bothered.

                      “So, any idea why your brother was in town tonight?” I asked tentatively as we stepped over the threshold of the entranceway.

He shook his head to indicate that he didn’t know, but I suspected that wasn’t quite the case. He was distant, and absorbed in his thoughts.

            “Well, I need a drink,” I said, and then I realised it was true. I don’t normally drink alcohol, but right now, I didn’t care.

I left Finn standing at the entrance of the Club, and weaved through the crowd of dancing people until I found my way to the bar. I sat down on an available barstool, ordering a shot of vodka.

It was great, the bartender didn’t charge me, or even ask for ID. Not that I had any to give, I technically didn’t exist.

The alcohol left me with a buzz and a sense of elation.

I was about to get up to dance when suddenly Finn appeared beside me.

                      “I think we need to leave,”

This statement confused me at first, wasn’t he the one had insisted we come here?

                      “Why?” the automatic response left my lips without my conscious decision to say it.

                      “It’s not safe here anymore,”

Instead of questioning him further, which was not an option if this was an actual emergency and not just Finn overreacting, I nodded.

                      “Okay. Let’s go to the car,”

If he was surprised at my quick agreement, Finn didn’t show it. Instead we manoeuvred our way back to the jeep. Unfortunately for us, it was already occupied.

Aiden lounged across the front seat with his feet on the dashboard.

                      “Shit,” I heard Finn mutter, as he glanced around worriedly.

                      “Brother, we need to talk,”

                      “Sorry, but we’re busy right now. Maybe some other time though?” I could see that Finn was trying to talk his way out of this situation. Any other time, I wouldn’t have been worried.

But Aiden looked different. And not in a good way.

                      “Too bad. This is an urgent matter,”

I saw a hint of Aiden’s dangerous smile, and in that instant I knew something was really wrong. It was too late, though. A heavy object crashed into my skull, and the world flashed neon and black for a moment, before I passed into sweet oblivion.

Who believes her? Did he, or did he not kill his parents? And if he, how? If he didn't, who did? Questions, questions. All will be answered in due course, dear readers. :)

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