Chapter Ten

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^^^^^Dedicated to Cortness1 for giving such great feedback, thanks heaps! :)

Well, here it is. Chapter ten. I had a bit of trouble writing this, so I'm not sure if I'm quite happy with it yet, but we'll see. Comment, vote, fan, tell me what you think. I love hearing feedback. :) Anyway, enjoy!



Rain battered the windowpanes, a small puddle of water slowly forming on the sills as tiny drops forced their way inside. Outside the warmth of the house, the wind was howling, trees thrashing as they tried to escape its wrath. I shivered, pulling the blanket more tightly around my shoulders. I turned my gaze away from the bleak scene through the slightly misted window, and back to the heat of the flames. Hot sparks flew as a piece of charred wood gave in, and slipped into the fiery embrace of the fire.

                            “Eva?” I heard Finn say from the kitchen.


He came in, holding two steaming bowls. I gratefully accepted mine as he sat down next to me, blowing on it so it would cool down quicker.

                            “Stew,” He said as I braved a sip of the scalding mixture. It didn’t taste bad, and brought with it a welcome heat on this dreary evening.

We continued eating in silence, the only sound being the scrape of spoons against the bowls.

                            “So, um, what are we going to do?” I asked quietly once I had finished.

He considered this for a moment before replying carefully.

                            “Well, we could stay here, or join the SPA, or try to kill Askove, or complete the mission he gave us before we, um, left,”

I snorted with laughter.

                            “Join the SPA? Are you crazy? We’d be shot on the spot? Can’t kill Askove, I’m not going back there. I can’t just stay here and do nothing, either,”

                            “I know,”

I sighed.

                            “Okay, so to complete this mission we have to?” I asked tentatively.

                            “Infiltrate the home of one of the key SPA members as servants, and bring back information without being captured,”

                            “How do we do that?”

                            “Pretend to be new servants,”

                            “When do we leave?”

He smiled.

                            “Always so excited, aren’t you?” he replied sarcastically.

                            “I’m trying to figure out how much time I have left before I have to go back to ‘do or die’ mode,”

                            “Well, I have to figure out how we are going to get there first. It’s in the heart of the city so I think we might need a change of clothes,”

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