Chapter 21: A Handmaiden's Duty

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"So is it true, are House Sherwin and House Bolton going to....intertwine," Richard, just another Karstark soldier asked.

"I'm not a privilege so say," I quickly replied while mixing my rations.

I knew eating my breakfast out in public would be a mistake. Not only was I one of the few woman at the camp, but I was also the handmaiden to Lady Blair who has been stirring up some commotion from her most recent actions.

"Ohhh come on, Aondale ! It's a simple yes or no answer. Will Lady Blair become Lord Bolton ?" I looked up to see Eric's bright green eyes staring straight at me.

"Aondale, this is one of the many perks of being a handmaiden !" I herd a mousetrap voice squeak right next to Eric. I looked over to see Susanne chowing down on her meal.

"Susanne, I don't want to start any gossip that you will spread throughout the kitchens !" I quickly replied. No matter what I told her she would mouth it off to the entire kitchen and next thing you know people will be thinking Lady Blair and the bastard had a baby.

"Apparently it was mentioned that she would be marrying the bastard at a meeting last night, so it's not like we're asking for privileged  information," Richard quickly added.

"Well then, why don't you go and ask lord Karstark yourself ? I'm sure he'd love both you and Eric coming up to him with questions about a Lady of another house," I paused for a quick second let a smirk come across my face, "sounds to me like you have taken a liking to the Lady."

"No that's Randal," Eric quickly replied while the rest of went into a fit of laughter. Poor Randal, either Lady Blair was an idiot for not noticing it or she was too distracted by 'doing her duty'.

"Ohh he would never have a chance," I mumbled back while taking the last sip from my glass.

"What do you mean ?" Susanne quickly asked, but luckly for me by the time she asked, I had left the table.

I shouldn't have brought anything up about Robb Stark, she might not know it, but he cares for her.


"Goodmorning Blair," I cheered as I walked into her tent.

I quickly found my Blair's chest and began to browse through her gowns to find one to wear today.

"Today is supposed to be a lovely day, we could possibly go for a walk. I heard there was a lovely river nearby," I said in attempt to make small talk.

"Really Blair ? It's the middle of the morning get outa bed," I yelled, while walking towards her bed.

That's when I heard something break beneath my foot. I moved my foot to quickly inspect whatever I had just stepped on.

I picked up the shard of glass or mirror. I quickly dropped the piece as it cut my hand across.

That's when I noticed it.
Something so should have seen coming.
The red was splattered across the sheets.
The more I looked at the red across the bed, the more I noticed it across the floor.

That's when we made eye contact. Her once hazel eyes, full of life were barely being held open.

"Blair !" I gasped as I took a step back.
"Who did this to you ?" I quickly hollered back.
"Ra-aamsay" she mumbled out.

"I'll be right back Blair, stay still. You will be okay, I promise you that," I bolted across the room to find any clothes possible.

I grabbed the cloth and slowly wiped up the blood that had dried onto her skin.

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