Chapter 11: The Lies

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I stood mute next to Taniya as she prepped the band for tonight's festivitie.

"My dear could you please organize their sheet music for the band," Taniya beconed while handing me a large box.

"Yes," I replied. I quickly grabbed the large box and headed to a nearby table.Taniya later joined me at my table after talking to some other people.

"Your father and brother are not here, no one from your house is here," Taniya reached out and squeezed my hands.

My heart sunk as I heard the news. I felt the tears slowly begin to escape my eyes. This wasn't going to work. Ramsay would find me, I will never see home again.

"Ohh my dearie..please don't cry. You will ruin you makeup," she paused for a couple of seconds and walked around to my side of the table.
I didn't care about my makeup, I wanted to see my father again, my brothers, and my home. I wanted to go home. I attempted to fight off the tears but they slowly trickled down my face.

"Dearie, Dearie...we will find them, I promise you that. I will bring you home," she whispered in my ear.

The second she hugged me, I dove into her arms. By now the tears her coming out of my eyes like waterfalls.

"If anyone asks, you are disapointed that you will not be performing for the king and queen..." she whispered. I nodded my head. The quickness in developing these lies was scary. The only faith I had in the woman not working for the Boltons was that she hadn't turned her in yet.

"I worry about you ankle, honey, and with an act like yours one small slip up can cause a disaster. You will perform if and only if you are healthy ! Sit, have some wine, and enjoy the gathering," she said just loud enough for the people around us to hear.


"I wonder what her act is," I looked up at Rob who was gazing at a girl dressed in gold. He had yet to take his eyes off of her.

"My guess would be a contortionist, I hear they are all the rage in the Capitol," I replied.

"Where did you hear that from," Jon mumbled.

"Well bastard, have you ever been to a brothel. Now didn't Lady Stark forbid you from coming to this feast? ,"  Jon cringed when the word brothel left my tongue and left the table. It felt good putting that bastard in his place.

"I'm going to go ask her," Robb quickly

"Feel free to ask to sleep with her while you are at that," I added earning a glare from the future Lord.


By now the Taniya had left me to go deal with some musicians horn. My heart rate began to escalate as she walked further and further away. How could she leave me? She promised I could be by her side. I slowly began to drink the wine that she had placed in front of me, maybe the wine would help calm my nerves? The wine didn't taste as bad as I expected it would, but it still didn't taste good. I couldn't help but let my eyes wander around the room. It seemed to me that this occasion was only for the Starks and the Baratheons, no bannermen.

When I was a child, my father would tell me stories about the great Robert Baratheon, but the man who sat at the head table was not the man I envisioned as a child.

I couldn't help but have pity for his beautiful wife Cersi, with her long golden hair cascading down to her waist and with her beautiful features, any man would be happy with her as his wife, but obviously not Robert Baratheon who was currently 'messing around' with a girl about my age.

The warden of the North and his wife haven't changed much since I was her last, however long ago that was. Arya and Sansa had appeared to grown up some.

The prince, whose name I believe to be Joffery, sat upon his large oak chair at the head table with the cockiest smile I had ever seen. The way he looked at Sansa sickened me, but Sansa didn't seem to mind it. In fact, whenever their eyes would meet she would giggle. I guess she thought she found her Prince Charming.

Robb, who sat a few tables away from me, looked like he had matured a lot since I had last seen him, unlike Theon and who remained the same.

I took another sip of my wine and realized that Robb was walking in my direction. I quickly directed my attention back to my wine. I had been made. My heart began to speed up, almost to a point where it was about to explode.

"Good evening," I looked up to see Rob smiling at me.

"Good evening," I smiled and bowed my head.

We were deep in conversation and before I knew it, the future warden of the north had me laughing for the first time in months.

"Did she really?" I practically screamed while pounding my hand on the table. This was no way to act in front of a future warden, but the wine had taken control.

"Yes !" he quickly replied. "I still remember her face clear as day." He added while mimicking his sister's annoyed face.

We heard some screaming across the room. Sansa had gone began to freak out about what appeared to be food on her dress.

"Excuse me for a moment," Robb said as he went to go deal with Arya who had thrown the food.

I looked up to see Lady Stark glaring at me.
A few moments passed until Robb returned.

"Would you have this dance," Robb asked, and reached his hand out towards me waiting for me to place mine atop of it.

Every single part of my body was screaming NO, but I did it anyway.

I let a few giggles escape me as we twirled around the dance floor. At first we kept accidentally bumping into other guests, but eventually we found a spot. He was incredibly light on his feet which made dancing with him an ease.

Robb pulled me in close as the song,Rains of Castamere, began to climax.
"So you are a dancer," he whispered.
"Yes, yes I am a dancer ! Except when I dance there is usually fire involved," I whispered back.

"Didn't your mother ever tell you to not play with fire," he whispered back.

"She might have mentioned it once or twice," I giggled back.

The song quickly ended and everyone applauded the band. 

"Come with me," he whispered.

For the rest of the night he toured me throughout the castle. It was as beautiful as I remember it being when I last visited.

I almost forgot about everything that was going on in my life...ALMOST

I fought back the tears and masked them with my smile as Robb told showed me around.

I wanted to go HOME..I wanted my family

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